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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 12, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Front-end Mobile (React Native CLI) Boilerplate

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run yarn install to install dependencies.
  3. Configure environment variables.
    Create .env file (or modify .env.example and save as .env).
  4. Run yarn android or yarn ios.


  • yarn start - Start Metro (the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native)
  • yarn android - Run Android app
  • yarn ios - Run IOS app
  • yarn lint - Run ESLint
  • yarn lint:fix - Fix codes from ESLint errors
  • yarn test - Run jest and collect test coverage

File Structure

├── 📂 android/
├── 📂 ios/
├── 📂 locales/                JSON files for internationalization (i18n)
├── 📂 src/
│   ├── 📂 api/                API-related functions
│   ├── ⚛️ components/
│   │   ├── ⚛️ commons/        Common components
│   │   ├── ⚛️ forms/          Common components which is used specifically for user input
│   │   ├── ⚛️ layouts/        Components which has specific location in a page and cannot just be placed anywhere (e.g. header, sidebar, footer)
│   │   └── ⚛️ sections/       Components which create a block/section of a page
│   ├── 📂 config/
│   ├── ⚛️ hooks/              Custom hooks
│   ├── ⚛️ navigations/
│   ├── ⚛️ screens/
│   ├── 📂 store/              Global states
│   ├── 📂 utils/              Utility functions
│   └── app.js                  Root component
├── .env                        Put environment variables here
├── .eslintignore
├── .eslintrc.js                ESLint configuration
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── styles.json                 Custom tailwind styles generated from npx create-tailwind-rn
├── tailwind.config.js          Tailwind configuration
└── tailwind.js                 tailwind-rn's utility function

📂: Folder
⚛️: React-related folder

File & Folder Naming

  • In general, kebab-case is prefered for folder & file naming.
  • Use kebab-case and .js extension for react component file naming.
    You can create component file directly like some-component.js, or create a folder some-component/index.js, as long as it is consistent.
  • Use kebab-case and .spec.js for test file naming.


Naming Conventions

  • Variable name:
    • Should be camelCase.
    • For boolean variable, use "is", "can", or "has" prefix.
      Example: isExpired, isDeleted, canEditSomething, hasSomething.
  • Function name:
    • Should be camelCase.
    • Should starts with verb 1, and don't abbreviate that verb.
      ✅ Correct example: createAccount, validateForm
      ❌ Incorrect example: creatingAccount, vldtForm
    • For event-handler function, you can use "on" or "handle" prefix.
      Example: onScroll / handleScroll, onSave / handleSave
  • React component:
    • Should be PascalCase.
  • React Query hook:
    • Should use "query" or "mutation" prefix. Example:
      ✅ Correct example:
      const queryProducts = useQuery();
      const queryProductById = useQuery();
      const queryUsers = useQuery();
      const mutationProduct = useMutation();
      const mutationUser = useMutation();
      ❌ Incorrect example:
      // Don't destructure since the destructured variables name will conflict
      // You will end up renaming many variables
      const {
        data: dataProduct, isLoading: isLoadingProduct, error: errorProduct, refetch: refetchProduct,
      } = useQuery();
      const {
        data: dataUser, isLoading: isLoadingUser, error: errorUser, refetch: refetchUser,
      } = useQuery();
      const {
        data: dataMutationUser, isLoading: isLoadingMutationUser, error: errorMutationUser, mutate: mutateUser,
      } = useMutation();