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ShieldGate Magento module

This module is a solution that allows Magento users to easily process payments with ShieldGate.

Download and Installation

1. Execute this command for install our package:

Install the latest version. composer require shieldgate/payment-gateway

Install a specific version. composer require shieldgate/payment-gateway:2.3.1

Once the installation finished, continue with the next commands in your bash terminal.

2. Update dependency injection:

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

3. Update modules registry:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Optional.- This command is optional for production environments:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Now you can see the ShieldGate settings in this path Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods on your Magento admin dashboard.


If you need update the plugin to latest version execute: composer update shieldgate/payment-gateway or composer require shieldgate/payment-gateway:2.3.1 for specific version.

Webhook Notifications and Order Updates

Every time a transaction changes their status you will get an HTTP POST request from Shieldgate to your webhook.

The URL that will be used for the order updates via webhook is:

This URL will be configured on Shieldgate.