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University CRM

Customer relationship management for university. Accounting students, teachers and groups, faculty, departments, auditories, subjects. Forming timetable items.


Approaches to deployment

Project has two approaches to deployment. The first one located in 'master' branch. It combines tomcat and H2 DB as one part, and it starts (deploy) together. DB is H2-file type. The second one located in 'docker_postgres' branch. It approaches based on deployment two separate part for tomcat and postgres DB. DB is Postgres type.

Compile project

For compile project put files in folder "src/main/java" Use next command in command line:

mvn compile

Create execute jar

For create execute jar file and type in the following command and hit "Enter" Then get jar file

mvn clean install

Tests and validate checkstyle

For starting checkstyle audit Use command and get "Success" (Audit done)!

mvn validate

For test use command and get "Success"!

mvn test

For starting integration tests, unit tests and checkstyle audit Use command and get "Success"!

mvn verify


Database located in file 'university' in H2 type. Test database in memory H2 and named 'university_test' Login and password in file


Use libraries from maven pom.xml file.

Run project

For run project type following command by maven

mvn spring-boot:run

For run project type following command by console

java -jar task-university-java8-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Link to start on localhost in web browser:


REST interface

REST API in JSON format


For display Swagger documentation for the REST interface go to link at swagger page:



For build and deployment by Docker should use general commands for Docker-compose:

docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up
docker-compose down

After deployment will expose:



Task 8 - Decompose university

Decomposit university: student, teacher, group, auditory, schedule for student and teacher. UML diagram. Branch dev, src/main/java/resources/uml_structure_university.png

Task 9 - Domain layer

Created JAVA project based on University UML class diagram from the previous task. Implemented domain logic for University. Writed JUnit tests for the created application. Branch dev

Task 10 - DAO layer

Created plain JDBC based DAO for decomposed domain objects using DriverManager. Created sql_scheme.png. Created DAO layer. Branch: task10

Task 11 - Exceptions and Logging

Added custom exceptions and logging. Branch: task10

Task 12 - Maven

Converted current project to Maven format. Added checkstyle plugin Branch: taskMaven

Task 13 - User Interface-1

Created status pages (read data from dao - show it in JSP). Added servlets for show objects. Added flyway plugin. Branch: task13

Task 14 - User Interface-2

Created CRUD pages for decomposed domain objects (servlets + JSP). Added validator for objects. Branch: task14

Task 15 - Data Source

Created DataSource in web-project configuration files. Switch DAO layer to lookup DataSource by JNDI name and use it instead of simple JDBC connection. Branch: task15

Task 16 - Spring IoC

Rewrite DAO code to inject DataSource to all DAO objects using Spring IoC framework. Branch: task16

Task 17 - Hibernate

Rewrite the DAO layer. Use Hibernate instead of Spring JDBC. Add for JPA Criteria query metamodel generator. Also for work with IDE need to add as source Build Path folder target/generated-sources/annotation Branch: task17

Task 17 additions

Add Sonar Lint plugin to eclipse Add Spring MVC Add Thymeleaf Branch: task17.2

Task 18 - Spring Boot

Convert application to Spring Boot For starting project copy jar file on web-server. And execute next command:

 mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage
 java -jar target/{name of war file}.jar

Branch: task18

Task 19 - Spring Data JPA

Rewrite the DAO layer. Use Spring Data JPA instead of Hibernate. Branch: task19

Task 20 - - Validation

Add validation to your models. It could be name validation, time validation, number of students in groups, etc. Ask your mentor for validations that should be implemented in your code. Branch: task20

Task 21 - REST

Add REST Endpoints to your project. All UI functionality should be available in the REST endpoints Branch: task21

Task 22 - Swagger

Add Swagger documentation to your project. link to swagger page:


Branch: task22

Task 23 - Spring Boot Tests

Writed Integration and System tests using Spring Boot Test, H2 DB (it is possible to use Database Rider) Branch: task23

Issue#1 Analize of decompose University.

Fix the UML diagram for application. Remove bidirectional links. Branch: task101

Issue#2 Fix model

Fix model based on University UML diagram. Create tests for model. Branch: task102

Issue#3 Create DAO layer (Faculty, Teacher, Department, Subject, Lecture, Auditory, Auditory Type)

Create dao layer and tests for (Faculty, Teacher, Department, Subject, Lecture, Auditory, Auditory Type). Create tests for dao. Branch: task103

Issue#4 Create service layer (Faculty, Teacher, Department, Subject, Lecture, Auditory, Auditory Type)

Create service layer and tests for (Faculty, Teacher, Department, Subject, Lecture, Auditory, Auditory Type). Create tests for services. Branch: task104

Issue#6 Create DAO layer (TimetableItem)

Create DAO layer (TimetableItem). Create tests for dao. Branch: task106

Issue#7 Create service layer(TimetableItem)

Create service layer and tests Branch: task107

Issue#5 Create UI

Create UI (Faculty, Teacher, Department, Subject, Lecture, Auditory, Auditory Type) Branch: task105

Issue#8 Add to UI finder form

Add to UI finder form to timetableItems, teacher, student page Branch: task108

Issue#9 Add localization

Add to front-end localization files Branch: issue9

Issue#6 in GitHub Migrate to H2 database

Migrate to H2 database Branch: issue6

Issue#14 create executable jar file

Create executable jar file Branch: issue14

Issue#20 Need to deploy by Docker.

Added docker compose for build and deployment. Branch: issue20


With best regards, Mykola Afanasiev!


University timetable control system






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