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Example of distributed key-value store based on the Chord algorithm

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Distributed Key-Value Storage Example

Anthony Foglia

This in an example of a distributed key-value store based on the Chord algorithm. It was done as a coding exercise for an employer I was applying to. I have tried to remove the employer's name in case they continue to use the question. As a coding exercise, I have not tested this on different versions of python of done any performance tests.


  • Python 2.7


dyschord comes with a distribute build script, so installation is simply

$ python

There is also a simple test script (that tests the Chord algorithms, but nothing over the network), but I have not configured the to use it.

Running the client

Client code interacts with the service via the dyschord.Client object. Creating an instance takes two parameters:

  • peers: A list of urls of the peers to attempt to connect to, at least one of which must be up
  • min_connections: The mininum number of connections to try to maintain with the server. (optional, default 3)

The client does not keep any connections to the servers open, so it will not be notified as peers go down. Provided at least one connection is up, on each lookup or storage request, it will try to maintain at least the minimum number of connections.

The Client object has two main methods:

  • lookup(key)
  • store(key, value)

Keys must be strings. (Note, to avoid even the possibility of unicode problems, they need to be Python 2.7 strings, not unicode.) Values can be any object that can be json encoded.

Running the server

The server can be run from the command dyschord-server. The default configuration is read from a json file in the default location of dyschord.conf. The configuration is a serialized dictionary. The most common configuration parameters are:

  • cloud_members: A list of other nodes to connect to attempt to connect to on startup.
  • heartbeat: How often in seconds to check the stability of the mesh.
  • node_id: The id number to use for the node
  • port: The port number to listen on

The last two can also be set from the command-line with the options --id and --port respectively.

Additional parameters include

  • metric: One of "md5" (default) or "trivial". The former uses an md5 hash of the keys to map them to a 128-bit space of nodes. The latter maps keys to hashes by converting the keys to integers and using their value mod 16. It's much smaller (and only allows 16 nodes), and requires all keys to be integers, but makes debugging easier.
  • log_requests: Turn on the logRequests option of the XML-RPC server
  • proxy_verbose: Turn on the verbosity for the XML-RPC server proxies


As a Chord implementation, each server process is a member of a mesh or cloud of nodes, responsible for a subset of the hash value space. As requested, the client talks to the server(s) over HTTP, and the server nodes use the same protocol to talk amongst themselves. The protocol is built atop XML-RPC, not because of its technical superiority, but because the standard library modules handle most of the network transferring (e.g. headers, serializing most objects) and easiest for me to quickly learn. I could have went with a JSON-RPC package, which would use less bandwidth, but there was much less documentation than the standard library packages.

One drawback is that the standard library XML-RPC server is not multi-threaded. But I found a recipe on StackOverflow to add threading support (so each request runs in its own thread) that required only small changes to get working on Python 2.7.

The system has three main classes, Node, NodeProxy, DyschordService.


The Node class is the main class where all the Chord algorithm logic resides. Each node maintains a pointer to its predecessor and a finger table to successive nodes. Also, should the process crash, the data for each node is backed up in the successor node.


Since serializing entire nodes would be unacceptable, any remote nodes that need to be interacted with are done via a NodeProxy object. It is created from a dictionary of the necessary node identication data (the node id and its url). It's responsible for serializing and node information sent to remote nodes, and deserializing any node responses.


This class wraps a Node and is registered with the XML-RPC server. It handles the other side of the translation that the NodeProxy does. Also, as a simple check, in case there is a problem looking up or storing data caused by a missing node, it will try to repair the predecessor and finger tables and then repeat the request. Its another level of protection, should a node go down during a query.

Additional classes

The other main classes are


A Thread class that regularly checks that if predecessor node has gone down, and if so, tries to repair the mesh.


A class to hold the information about the hashing and distance functions used on the chord. Developed so I could use a simpler, trivial metric for testing. Do not mix nodes using different metrics. There is no check against this.


A simple class to store the NodeTranslation rules in a common place for the NodeProxy and DyschordService to both use. More importantly, it ensures that local nodes are never referred through via proxies (to avoid possibly interacting with the same node in the same flow of commands but from different threads and getting deadlock issues).

Algorithmic notes

The algorithm is the basic Chord algorithm, with some optimizations of the updating of finger tables on node arrival and departure. The latter boil down to only checking fingers that might have changed, so instead of O(f log(n)) where f is the number of items in the finger table, it's closer to O(log(n)). (The exact amount depends on the density of nodes.)


The standard library json decoder only produces unicode strings, so returned strings (whether the entire value or part) are unicode.

As stated above, the metric used is a parameter of the node, but there is no checks to ensure a cloud rejects members with a different metric. As there is no reason to use anything other than md5 in production, this check wasn't high priority.

Changes i would make but didn't have time:

  1. Persistence: Nowhere do I actually save any of the data to disk. I started work on persisting the data to a hashdb instance, but it's not complete.

  2. Minor refactorings: The NodeTranslation class was a very last minute addition, as a result, many of the old functions it replaces are still there, albeit they call the proper NodeTranslation methods. But it's a level of indirection I could easily remove if I had time. Also, I would try changing the finger table storage from two separate lists to one object. Then a lot of the traversing logic can be combined and hopefully the code made clearer.

  3. Running as daemon: The server should modified so it can run as a daemon. While this would make it easier to install, this doesn't add to the threading or networking complexity though. In the meantime, one can run it under screen or with nohup on for the same effect.

  4. Complex refactorings: I started by storing the backup data for a node in the same dictionary as the successor node uses for the data it owns (i.e. all in a data property of the Node), thinking it would allow quicker recovery from node failure. And in some sense it does, but storing it in a separate dictionary (say Node.backup_data) might actually make the logic for node joins and disconnects easier. I wouldn't know till I code it.

  5. Other DHT algorithms: I would like to try the the Kademlia and Koorde algorithms. The former uses a symmetric distance so keeping the finger table correct is supposedly easier. The latter gives better performance for lookups (O(log(n)/log(log(n)) vs. O(log(n)) for Chord with finger tables)

Possible problems

I did not make the Client itself multi-threaded. The only thing that would need to be mulitthreaded is the method that updates the collection of known peers. But I focused more on handling the threading on the server side.

There is no security, either authentication or encryption, of the network transfers. The problem statement claims that this service would run on the backend servers, which would be protected from random malicious users. This is not ideal--if a hacker gets into the local network he could do a lot of damage to the service--but I think fair within the parameters of the assignment. Any security ideas I have would require using HttpsConnections, which would involve security certificates. (A simple plaintext password would help accidental interference, but have no effect against a malicious user.)


Example of distributed key-value store based on the Chord algorithm






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