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codchi - Declarative, Reproducible, Cross Platform Development Environments as Code for Windows, Linux1 and MacOS1


1. Getting started

1.1. Installation

Windows 10/11

  1. Make sure that WSL2 is installed and up to date. For install instructions visit the official site. You need WSL2 or newer. Check yours' with wsl.exe --version. Update with wsl.exe --update --web-download.
  2. Import Cert.crt to LocalMachine/Trusted People (see Arch-WSL docs). Requires Admin Privileges.
  3. Install codchi.msix. Subsequent updates should be downloaded automatically by windows.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

1.2. Installing your first code machine

After you've installed the codchi app, its time to install your first code machine. Take a look at some pre-configured machines:

Each of these is exposed as ready to use code machine. Run codchi install <name> github:aformatik/codchi#<machine> where <name> is a name of your choice and <machine> is one of base, java and nodejs.

Another way to create a code machine is to extend the existing images. To do this, initialize an empty folder with nix flake init -t github:aformatik/codchi#<machine> or just copy configuration.nix and flake.nix from ./examples/<machine>. You can find available options in the NixOS Options Search, the NixOS Wiki or install packages from the NixOS Package Search. To install a custom code machine, upload it to a public Github repository and run codchi install <name> github:<user>/<repo>#default.

1.3. Using codchi

Usage: codchi COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  status                   Show codchi status
  start                    Start codchi controller
  install                  Install a code machine
  uninstall                Uninstall a code machine
  run                      Run command in a code machine
  update                   Update a code machine


Codchi is licensed under a mixed open source license. The tool codchi (files in folder cli) are released under the MPL-2.0. Everything else is licensed under MIT.


  1. Coming soon 2