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ACRT Surveillance Forms

COVID19 - Surveillance Forms

All Contributors

Available Forms:

  • Community Reporting Form
  • Medical Centers Form
  • Passengers / Port-of-Entry Form
Community Form Community i18n
Community Form Community Form - i18n
Community Form Community Form - i18n


  • Mobile first
  • Internationalization Support
  • Common Form Utilities
  • Environment Configuration


Local Setup

# first time - install all dependencies
$ yarn install

# start the server
$ yarn local

Component Development

Use storybook to develop components in isolation (see *.story.js files under src/components).

# start storybook
$ yarn storybook

API Integration

  • API calls live at the bottom of src/api/index.js
  • Clone API Gateway repo and follow directions to start the API locally.

State Management

  • State is managed using mobx library (see src/modules/resource/LanguageStore.js).
  • See src/controllers/Community.js for usage.

Containers (Pages)

  • Represents a page in the application
  • Mapped to a route - see App.js
  • Have access to react-router-dom properties match, history and location


How to add a form

  • Create the form component under src/components (see src/components/CommunityForm.js)
  • Create a page under src/containers (see src/containers/Community.js)
  • Map your page to a route in src/core/App.js

How to add a new language

  • Add a new language pack by duplicating src/modules/lang/phrases_en.js
  • Import and map new language in src/modules/lang/lang-util.js

How to add a new language support

  • To add a new language, copy the src/config/lang-phrases/phrases_en.js
  • Rename the copied file to src/config/lang-phrases/phrases_xx.js
  • Translate the phrases to the language of your choice (xx).
  • Import the new file to src/modules/lang/lang-util.js.
    import xx from "../../config/lang-phrases/phrases_xx"
  • Add the new lanauges to supportedLanguages list src/modules/lang/lang-util.js
    am: { pack: am, name: "amharic" },
    xx : { pack: xx, name: "newLanguage" }
  • Make sure newLanguage is in the list of phrases in language src/modules/lang/phrases_xx.js

How to setup a localized date field

  • To add support for more languages for calendar, we use moment.js
  • For languages moment.js does not support, one can add support using moment.defineLocale(). See the example in src/config/lang-phrases/moment-am.js, where Amharic support was added.

How to customize address labels

  • Change the values in src/config/address_schema_locale.js
  • Add the translation for the new labels in src/config/lang-phrases/phrases_en.js and any other language translation that you have

How to Setup Google Recaptcha


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):





Beakal Teshome


Ermias Bunaro


menilik belay


Eyosiyas Tadele


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!