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🔐 Svecure - Secure your load functions

Secure your load functions with wrappers that will handle errorchecking for you.


npm install svecure

# or yarn
yarn add svecure

# or pnpm
pnpm add svecure


// +(page|layout).ts

import { createLoadVerifier } from 'svecure';
import { PageLoad } from './$types';

const withVerification = createLoadVerifier<PageLoad>(() => {
	// ...your verification logic
	return true;

export const load = withVerification(() => {
	return {
		// ...your data
// +(page|layout).server.ts

import { createLoadVerifier } from 'svecure';
import { PageServerLoad } from './$types';

const withVerification = createLoadVerifier<PageServerLoad>(() => {
	// ...your verification logic
	return true;

export const load = withVerification(() => {
	return {
		// ...your data

Custom error messages

If the verification fails, the load functino will by default throw a SvelteKit error with a status of 401 and a message of Unauthorized. You can customize this by passing a second argument to createLoadVerifier:

const withVerification = createLoadVerifier<PageLoad>(
	() => {
		// ...your verification logic
		return false;
		status: 403,
		message: 'You are not allowed to access this page'

Or with a custom function (if you for example need to redirect to a login page):

import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';

const withVerification = createLoadVerifier<PageLoad>(
	() => {
		// ...your verification logic
		return false;
	() => {
		throw redirect(302, '/login');