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In date order:

  • AIMOS Closing address and ethics/governance unconference at AIMOS conference (November 2019)
  • waste Three talks on research waste, including at University of Sydney (November 2019)
  • fellowships Writing fellowships for the Statistical Society of Australia (July 2020)
  • skepticon Statistics and research waste for Skepticon 2020 (October 2020)
  • Lancaster Lancaster lecture (March 2021)
  • SER Society for Epidemiologic Research 2021 meeting (June 2021)
  • social_media Using social media in research for QIMR students (June 2021)
  • ANZSC Australian Statistical Society and New Zealand Statistical Association Conference (July 2021)
  • ethics NSWHSB Seminar Series (July 2021)
  • stats_society Statistical Society of Australia Queensland Branch seminar on "Statisticians and the reproducibility crisis" (September 2021)
  • ethics2 2nd National HREC Conference (December 2021)
  • RoRi Experiments in evaluation: lessons from randomisation in research funding (December 2021)
  • lottery Research Income: A lottery, game or fair?, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Research Planning Day (December 2021)
  • vicbiostats Victorian Centre for Biostatistics seminar (June 2022)
  • youngScientists Young Scientists Forum German Society for Biomaterials (June 2022)
  • FHMRI Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute Seminar (July 2022)
  • AEA Australian Epidemiological Association (July 2022)
  • impact_makers Impact Makers 2022 conference at QUT (July 2022)
  • TRI TRI Director’s Choice Seminar (September 2022) - also presented to the South Australia Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia (September 2022)
  • TanTockSeng Visit from Tan Tock Seng Hospital (October 2022)
  • lottery_STA Science Technology Australia webinar series (November 2022)
  • lottery_bardsnet BARDsNet – the network of Business School Associate Deans Research across ANZ (November 2022)
  • ISI International Statistical Institute Regional Seminar Series (December 2022)
  • DCE AusHSI Discrete Choice Experiments: Exploring and evaluating methodologies (March 2023)
  • crikey Critical care Research International: Knowledge, Evidence and beYond (CRIKEY), Gold Coast (March 2023)
  • more_than_our_rank More Than Our Rank Community Call (March 2023)
  • AUC Statistical Society of Australia Queensland Branch seminar on "Evidence of statistical 'hacking' in clinical prediction models" (August 2023)
  • Poche Poche Centre for Indigenous Health at The University of Queensland (September 2023)
  • investigator NHMRC Investigator Grants: Insights as an applicant and a reviewer (October 2023)
  • integrity A discussion on research integrity (October 2023)
  • advisors National Research Integrity meeting (November 2023)
  • Genetic Webinar for Australian Genomics (March 2024)
  • wesley Alternative funding systems and research prioritisation (April 2024)
  • ACDS Assessing research quality and impact – how do different institutions assess these, and what metrics are used to calibrate “success”? (June 2024)
  • CSH600 Lecture for CSH600 Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (June 2024)