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Refactor flake.nix (#7032)
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This PR makes the following changes:

* Add a `.envrc` file to auto-load the `flake.nix` when I enter the repository
  * This helps with e.g. Haskell VSCode integration
  * Only affects users of `direnv`
  * An alternative would be to add `.envrc` to the `.gitignore`, and let each developer write their own `.envrc`

* Refactor the `flake.nix` file
  * Replace the [deprecated attributes](NixOS/nix#5532) `defaultPackage` and `devShell`
  * Explicitly track the `nixpkgs` dependency
    * This seems to be the convention for most flakes I have viewed
  * Add comments
  * Stop using a nixpkg overlay
    * Overlays are verbose & not newbie-friendly
    * [Overlays are overkill here, and do not scale well](
  * Misc. refactoring to reduce length

I have tested the following features of `flake.nix`:

* `nix develop` starts a sub-shell with `cabal`,etc. where I can build agda
* `nix build` produces binaries in `result/bin/`


* Add .envrc

* flake.nix: replace deprecated `.devShell` etc.

* flake.nix: track nixpkgs explicitly

As opposed to implicitly via the flake registry:

* flake.nix: de-overlay & add comments

* .gitignore nix build outputs

* flake.nix: bump nixpkgs pin

* flake.nix: add back overlay

Using flake-parts to keep the overlay non-obtrusive

* flake.nix: mark overlay as experimental
  • Loading branch information
lawcho committed Jan 2, 2024
1 parent 5d25cf8 commit 6986b28
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Showing 4 changed files with 95 additions and 61 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .envrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Auto-load a development environment from flake.nix
# when entering the root of the repository

# This only affects users of the `direnv` tool

use flake
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,3 +83,5 @@ stack.yaml
51 changes: 37 additions & 14 deletions flake.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

97 changes: 50 additions & 47 deletions flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,61 +1,64 @@
description = "Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.";

inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
inputs.flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";

outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }: (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ self.overlay ]; };
in {
packages = {
inherit (pkgs.haskellPackages) Agda;
outputs = inputs:
inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inputs = inputs; } {
# Support all the OSes
systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" "x86_64-darwin" ];
perSystem = {pkgs, ...}: let
hlib = pkgs.haskell.lib.compose;
hpkgs = pkgs.haskellPackages;

# TODO agda2-mode

defaultPackage = self.packages.${system}.Agda;
# The `agda` and `agda-mode` programs, built with `cabal build`
# (and GHC & Haskell libraries from the nixpkgs snapshot)
agda-pkg = hpkgs.developPackage {
root = ./.;
modifier = hlib.dontCheck;
# TODO Make check phase work
# At least requires:
# Setting AGDA_BIN (or using the Makefile, which at least requires cabal-install)
# Making agda-stdlib available (or disabling the relevant tests somehow)

devShell = pkgs.haskellPackages.shellFor {
packages = ps: with ps; [ Agda ];
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
# Development environment with tools for hacking on agda
agda-dev-shell = hpkgs.shellFor {
# Which haskell packages to prepare a dev env for
packages = _: [agda-pkg];
# Extra software to provide in the dev shell
nativeBuildInputs = [
# Tools for building agda
# Tools for building the agda docs
(pkgs.python3.withPackages (py3pkgs: [

# documentation
(python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
})) // {
overlay = final: prev: {
haskellPackages = prev.haskellPackages.override {
overrides = self.haskellOverlay;
# Include an offline-usable `hoogle` command
# pre-loaded with all the haskell dependencies
withHoogle = true;

haskellOverlay = final: prev: let
inherit (final) callCabal2nixWithOptions;

shortRev = builtins.substring 0 9 self.rev;

postfix = if self ? revCount then "${toString self.revCount}_${shortRev}" else "Dirty";
in {
# TODO use separate evaluation system?
Agda = callCabal2nixWithOptions "Agda" ./. "--flag enable-cluster-counting --flag optimise-heavily" ({
mkDerivation = args: final.mkDerivation (args // {
version = "${args.version}-pre${postfix}";
packages.default = agda-pkg; # Entry point for `nix build`
devShells.default = agda-dev-shell; # Entry point for `nix develop`

postInstall = "$out/bin/agda-mode compile";

# TODO Make check phase work
# At least requires:
# Setting AGDA_BIN (or using the Makefile, which at least requires cabal-install)
# Making agda-stdlib available (or disabling the relevant tests somehow)
doCheck = false;
# Allow power users to set this flake's agda
# as a drop-in replacement for nixpkgs's agda
# (including as a dependency of other nixpkgs packages)
# See for more info
overlayAttrs.packages.haskellPackages.agda = agda-pkg;
# TODO: also replace each haskell.packages.ghcXXX.agda
# Generate the overlays.default output from overlayAttrs above
# N.B. This overlay is EXPERIMENTAL and untested.
# Please report bugs to the Agda issue tracker.
imports = [ inputs.flake-parts.flakeModules.easyOverlay ];

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