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Create implementations for the Free Group and for the Bouquet types a… (
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* Create implementations for the Free Group and for the Bouquet types as HITs

* Change and refactor the Bouquet code

Changes made:
 - move FreeGroupoid to its own folder inside HITs
 - change names to better suited ones
 - shorten proofs with many steps
  • Loading branch information
gmagaf committed May 3, 2022
1 parent e861c94 commit ad88c5c
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Showing 10 changed files with 974 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/HITs/Bouquet.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.HITs.Bouquet where

open import Cubical.HITs.Bouquet.Base public
open import Cubical.HITs.Bouquet.FundamentalGroupProof public
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/HITs/Bouquet/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
This file contains:
- Definition of the Bouquet of circles of a type aka wedge of A circles
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.HITs.Bouquet.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed

: Level

data Bouquet (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
base : Bouquet A
loop : A base ≡ base

Bouquet∙ : Type ℓ Pointed ℓ
Bouquet∙ A = Bouquet A , base
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/HITs/Bouquet/FundamentalGroupProof.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
This file contains:
- Definition of functions of the equivalence between FreeGroup and the FundamentalGroup
- Definition of encode decode functions
- Proof that for all x : Bouquet A → p : base ≡ x → decode x (encode x p) ≡ p (no truncations)
- Proof of the truncated versions of encodeDecode and of right-homotopy
- Definition of truncated encode decode functions
- Proof of the truncated versions of decodeEncode and encodeDecode
- Proof that π₁Bouquet ≡ FreeGroup A
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.HITs.Bouquet.FundamentalGroupProof where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to pathAssoc)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation hiding (rec2)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation hiding (map ; elim) renaming (rec to propRec)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

open import Cubical.HITs.Bouquet.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.FreeGroup.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.FreeGroupoid

: Level
A : Type ℓ

-- Pointed versions of the non truncated types

ΩBouquet : {A : Type ℓ} Pointed ℓ
ΩBouquet {A = A} = Ω (Bouquet∙ A)

FreeGroupoid∙ : {A : Type ℓ} Pointed ℓ
FreeGroupoid∙ {A = A} = FreeGroupoid A , ε

-- Functions without using the truncated forms of types

looping : FreeGroupoid A typ ΩBouquet
looping (η a) = loop a
looping (g1 · g2) = looping g1 ∙ looping g2
looping ε = refl
looping (inv g) = sym (looping g)
looping (assoc g1 g2 g3 i) = pathAssoc (looping g1) (looping g2) (looping g3) i
looping (idr g i) = rUnit (looping g) i
looping (idl g i) = lUnit (looping g) i
looping (invr g i) = rCancel (looping g) i
looping (invl g i) = lCancel (looping g) i

looping∙ : FreeGroupoid∙ →∙ ΩBouquet {A = A}
looping∙ = looping , refl

code : {A : Type ℓ} (Bouquet A) Type ℓ
code {A = A} base = (FreeGroupoid A)
code (loop a i) = pathsInU (η a) i

winding : typ ΩBouquet FreeGroupoid A
winding l = subst code l ε

winding∙ : ΩBouquet →∙ FreeGroupoid∙ {A = A}
winding∙ = winding , refl

-- Functions using the truncated forms of types

π₁Bouquet : {A : Type ℓ} Type ℓ
π₁Bouquet {A = A} = π 1 (Bouquet∙ A)

loopingT : ∥ FreeGroupoid A ∥₂ π₁Bouquet
loopingT = map looping

windingT : π₁Bouquet ∥ FreeGroupoid A ∥₂
windingT = map winding

-- Utility proofs

substPathsR : {C : Type ℓ}{y z : C} (x : C) (p : y ≡ z) subst (λ y x ≡ y) p ≡ λ q q ∙ p
substPathsR {y = y} x p = funExt homotopy where
homotopy : q subst (λ y x ≡ y) p q ≡ q ∙ p
homotopy q = J P d p where
P : z' y ≡ z' Type _
P z' p' = subst (λ y x ≡ y) p' q ≡ q ∙ p'
d : P y refl
d =
subst (λ y x ≡ y) refl q
≡⟨ substRefl {B = λ y x ≡ y} q ⟩
≡⟨ rUnit q ⟩
q ∙ refl ∎

substFunctions : {B C : A Type ℓ}{x y : A}
(p : x ≡ y)
(f : B x C x)
subst (λ z (B z C z)) p f ≡ subst C p ∘ f ∘ subst B (sym p)
substFunctions {B = B} {C = C} {x = x} p f = J P d p where
auxC : idfun (C x) ≡ subst C refl
auxC = funExt (λ c sym (substRefl {B = C} c))
auxB : idfun (B x) ≡ subst B refl
auxB = funExt (λ b sym (substRefl {B = B} b))
P : y' x ≡ y' Type _
P y' p' = subst (λ z (B z C z)) p' f ≡ subst C p' ∘ f ∘ subst B (sym p')
d : P x refl
d =
subst (λ z (B z C z)) refl f
≡⟨ substRefl {B = λ z (B z C z)} f ⟩
≡⟨ cong (λ h h ∘ f ∘ idfun (B x)) auxC ⟩
subst C refl ∘ f ∘ idfun (B x)
≡⟨ cong (λ h subst C refl ∘ f ∘ h) auxB ⟩
subst C refl ∘ f ∘ subst B (sym refl) ∎

-- Definition of the encode - decode functions over the family of types Π(x : W A) → code x

encode : (x : Bouquet A) base ≡ x code x
encode x l = subst code l ε

decode : {A : Type ℓ}(x : Bouquet A) code x base ≡ x
decode {A = A} base = looping
decode {A = A} (loop a i) = path i where
pathover : PathP (λ i (code (loop a i) base ≡ (loop a i))) looping (subst (λ z (code z base ≡ z)) (loop a) looping)
pathover = subst-filler (λ z (code z base ≡ z)) (loop a) looping
aux : (a : A) subst code (sym (loop a)) ≡ action (inv (η a))
aux a = funExt homotopy where
homotopy : (g : FreeGroupoid A) subst code (sym (loop a)) g ≡ action (inv (η a)) g
homotopy g =
subst code (sym (loop a)) g
≡⟨ cong (λ x transport x g) (sym (invPathsInUNaturality (η a))) ⟩
transport (pathsInU (inv (η a))) g
≡⟨ uaβ (equivs (inv (η a))) g ⟩
action (inv (η a)) g ∎
calculations : (a : A) g looping (g · (inv (η a))) ∙ loop a ≡ looping g
calculations a g =
looping (g · (inv (η a))) ∙ loop a
≡⟨ sym (pathAssoc (looping g) (sym (loop a)) (loop a)) ⟩
looping g ∙ (sym (loop a) ∙ loop a)
≡⟨ cong (λ x looping g ∙ x) (lCancel (loop a)) ⟩
looping g ∙ refl
≡⟨ sym (rUnit (looping g)) ⟩
looping g ∎
path' : subst (λ z (code z base ≡ z)) (loop a) looping ≡ looping
path' =
subst (λ z (code z base ≡ z)) (loop a) looping
≡⟨ substFunctions {B = code} {C = λ z base ≡ z} (loop a) looping ⟩
subst (λ z base ≡ z) (loop a) ∘ looping ∘ subst code (sym (loop a))
≡⟨ cong (λ x x ∘ looping ∘ subst code (sym (loop a))) (substPathsR base (loop a)) ⟩
(λ p p ∙ loop a) ∘ looping ∘ subst code (sym (loop a))
≡⟨ cong (λ x (λ p p ∙ loop a) ∘ looping ∘ x) (aux a) ⟩
(λ p p ∙ loop a) ∘ looping ∘ action (inv (η a))
≡⟨ funExt (calculations a) ⟩
looping ∎
path'' : PathP (λ i code ((loop a ∙ refl) i) base ≡ ((loop a ∙ refl) i)) looping looping
path'' = compPathP' {A = Bouquet A} {B = λ z code z base ≡ z} pathover path'
p''≡p : PathP (λ i code ((loop a ∙ refl) i) base ≡ ((loop a ∙ refl) i)) looping looping ≡
PathP (λ i code (loop a i) base ≡ (loop a i)) looping looping
p''≡p = cong (λ x PathP (λ i code (x i) base ≡ (x i)) looping looping) (sym (rUnit (loop a)))
path : PathP (λ i code (loop a i) base ≡ (loop a i)) looping looping
path = transport p''≡p path''

-- Non truncated Left Homotopy

decodeEncode : (x : Bouquet A) (p : base ≡ x) decode x (encode x p) ≡ p
decodeEncode x p = J P d p where
P : (x' : Bouquet A) base ≡ x' Type _
P x' p' = decode x' (encode x' p') ≡ p'
d : P base refl
d =
decode base (encode base refl)
≡⟨ cong (λ e' looping e') (transportRefl ε) ⟩
refl ∎

left-homotopy : (l : typ (ΩBouquet {A = A})) looping (winding l) ≡ l
left-homotopy l = decodeEncode base l

-- Truncated proofs of right homotopy of winding/looping functions

truncatedPathEquality : (g : FreeGroupoid A) ∥ cong code (looping g) ≡ ua (equivs g) ∥
truncatedPathEquality = elimProp
(λ a ∣ η-ind a ∣)
(λ g1 g2 λ ∣ind1∣ ∣ind2∣ rec2 squash (λ ind1 ind2 ∣ ·-ind g1 g2 ind1 ind2 ∣) ∣ind1∣ ∣ind2∣)
∣ ε-ind ∣
(λ g λ ∣ind∣ propRec squash (λ ind ∣ inv-ind g ind ∣) ∣ind∣) where
B : g Type _
B g = cong code (looping g) ≡ ua (equivs g)
Bprop : g isProp ∥ B g ∥
Bprop g = squash
η-ind : a B (η a)
η-ind a = refl
·-ind : g1 g2 B g1 B g2 B (g1 · g2)
·-ind g1 g2 ind1 ind2 =
cong code (looping (g1 · g2))
≡⟨ cong (λ x x ∙ cong code (looping g2)) ind1 ⟩
pathsInU g1 ∙ cong code (looping g2)
≡⟨ cong (λ x pathsInU g1 ∙ x) ind2 ⟩
pathsInU g1 ∙ pathsInU g2
≡⟨ sym (multPathsInUNaturality g1 g2) ⟩
pathsInU (g1 · g2) ∎
ε-ind : B ε
ε-ind =
cong code (looping ε)
≡⟨ sym idPathsInUNaturality ⟩
pathsInU ε ∎
inv-ind : g B g B (inv g)
inv-ind g ind =
cong code (looping (inv g))
≡⟨ cong sym ind ⟩
sym (pathsInU g)
≡⟨ sym (invPathsInUNaturality g) ⟩
ua (equivs (inv g)) ∎

truncatedRight-homotopy : (g : FreeGroupoid A) ∥ winding (looping g) ≡ g ∥
truncatedRight-homotopy g = propRec squash recursion (truncatedPathEquality g) where
recursion : cong code (looping g) ≡ ua (equivs g) ∥ winding (looping g) ≡ g ∥
recursion hyp = ∣ aux ∣ where
aux : winding (looping g) ≡ g
aux =
winding (looping g)
≡⟨ cong (λ x transport x ε) hyp ⟩
transport (ua (equivs g)) ε
≡⟨ uaβ (equivs g) ε ⟩
ε · g
≡⟨ sym (idl g) ⟩
g ∎

right-homotopyInTruncatedGroupoid : (g : FreeGroupoid A) ∣ winding (looping g) ∣₂ ≡ ∣ g ∣₂
right-homotopyInTruncatedGroupoid g = Iso.inv PathIdTrunc₀Iso (truncatedRight-homotopy g)

-- Truncated encodeDecode over all fibrations

truncatedEncodeDecode : (x : Bouquet A) (g : code x) ∥ encode x (decode x g) ≡ g ∥
truncatedEncodeDecode base = truncatedRight-homotopy
truncatedEncodeDecode (loop a i) = isProp→PathP prop truncatedRight-homotopy truncatedRight-homotopy i where
prop : i isProp ( (g : code (loop a i)) ∥ encode (loop a i) (decode (loop a i) g) ≡ g ∥)
prop i f g = funExt pointwise where
pointwise : (x : code (loop a i)) PathP (λ _ ∥ encode (loop a i) (decode (loop a i) x) ≡ x ∥) (f x) (g x)
pointwise x = isProp→PathP (λ i squash) (f x) (g x)

encodeDecodeInTruncatedGroupoid : (x : Bouquet A) (g : code x) ∣ encode x (decode x g) ∣₂ ≡ ∣ g ∣₂
encodeDecodeInTruncatedGroupoid x g = Iso.inv PathIdTrunc₀Iso (truncatedEncodeDecode x g)

-- Encode Decode over the truncated versions of the types

encodeT : (x : Bouquet A) ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂ ∥ code x ∥₂
encodeT x = map (encode x)

decodeT : (x : Bouquet A) ∥ code x ∥₂ ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂
decodeT x = map (decode x)

decodeEncodeT : (x : Bouquet A) (p : ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂) decodeT x (encodeT x p) ≡ p
decodeEncodeT x g = elim sethood induction g where
sethood : (q : ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂) isSet (decodeT x (encodeT x q) ≡ q)
sethood q = isProp→isSet (squash₂ (decodeT x (encodeT x q)) q)
induction : (l : base ≡ x) ∣ decode x (encode x l) ∣₂ ≡ ∣ l ∣₂
induction l = cong (λ l' ∣ l' ∣₂) (decodeEncode x l)

encodeDecodeT : (x : Bouquet A) (g : ∥ code x ∥₂) encodeT x (decodeT x g) ≡ g
encodeDecodeT x g = elim sethood induction g where
sethood : (z : ∥ code x ∥₂) isSet (encodeT x (decodeT x z) ≡ z)
sethood z = isProp→isSet (squash₂ (encodeT x (decodeT x z)) z)
induction : (a : code x) ∣ encode x (decode x a) ∣₂ ≡ ∣ a ∣₂
induction a = encodeDecodeInTruncatedGroupoid x a

-- Final equivalences

TruncatedFamiliesIso : (x : Bouquet A) Iso ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂ ∥ code x ∥₂ (TruncatedFamiliesIso x) = encodeT x
Iso.inv (TruncatedFamiliesIso x) = decodeT x
Iso.rightInv (TruncatedFamiliesIso x) = encodeDecodeT x
Iso.leftInv (TruncatedFamiliesIso x) = decodeEncodeT x

TruncatedFamiliesEquiv : (x : Bouquet A) ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂ ≃ ∥ code x ∥₂
TruncatedFamiliesEquiv x = isoToEquiv (TruncatedFamiliesIso x)

TruncatedFamilies≡ : (x : Bouquet A) ∥ base ≡ x ∥₂ ≡ ∥ code x ∥₂
TruncatedFamilies≡ x = ua (TruncatedFamiliesEquiv x)

π₁Bouquet≡∥FreeGroupoid∥₂ : π₁Bouquet ≡ ∥ FreeGroupoid A ∥₂
π₁Bouquet≡∥FreeGroupoid∥₂ = TruncatedFamilies≡ base

π₁Bouquet≡FreeGroup : {A : Type ℓ} π₁Bouquet ≡ FreeGroup A
π₁Bouquet≡FreeGroup {A = A} =
≡⟨ π₁Bouquet≡∥FreeGroupoid∥₂ ⟩
∥ FreeGroupoid A ∥₂
≡⟨ sym freeGroupTruncIdempotent ⟩
FreeGroup A ∎
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/HITs/FreeGroup.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.HITs.FreeGroup where

open import Cubical.HITs.FreeGroup.Base public
open import Cubical.HITs.FreeGroup.Properties public
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/HITs/FreeGroup/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
This file contains:
- An implementation of the free group of a type of generators as a HIT
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.HITs.FreeGroup.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

: Level

data FreeGroup (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
η : A FreeGroup A
_·_ : FreeGroup A FreeGroup A FreeGroup A
ε : FreeGroup A
inv : FreeGroup A FreeGroup A
assoc : x y z x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z
idr : x x ≡ x · ε
idl : x x ≡ ε · x
invr : x x · (inv x) ≡ ε
invl : x (inv x) · x ≡ ε
trunc : isSet (FreeGroup A)

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