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K8s ready headless CMS featuring Mongo and Quarkus


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A headless CMS (with admin UI) featuring MongoDB and Quarkus.

NoSQL databases are ideal for creating generic Rest APIs on abstract data models. K8sCMS was developed based on that concept.

The power of Quarkus, simplified the development and minimised the development effort.

I built the UI with vanilla javascript, jQuery and Material Lite. Future releases will offer react in place of the current UI implementation. Nevertheless, take a look at the .js files, they are not bad for bootstrapping an idea and is surely super fast for development. Do you believe that react is your second nature? try to rewrite the UI without breaking any API and UX before I do.

K8sCMS can be used out of the box as a standalone application or a Docker image (to be deployed on k8s). Did I mention native compilation by using GraalVM?

Written entirely in Java 11.

The UI looks like that.


Getting started

  • Dock MongoDB on Docker and do not forget to open the 27017 port on localhost

    docker run -d -p 27017-27019:27017-27019 --name mongodb mongo
  • Download Robo eT, it the MongoDB client, use any other client, it is not required in order to run K8sCMS

  • Git clone

    git clone[K8sCMS](
  • Run locally

    `mvn compile quarkus:dev`
  • Open the UI localhost:8080

  • Login with any user/pass. K8sCMS creates the provided user and password as a super user the first time you log into K8sCMS.

  • Take a look at the samples folder and upload some users, roles and data. I have already forced the creation of the testDB.test collection for development and testing purposes. It just waits for you to flood it with data. A good start is the samples/testDB_test.xlsx file. Go to the upload page and upload the testDB_test.xlsx file.

Key features

Rest API

A fluent rest API that covers

CRUD operations


Mongo 'like' queries

Query your data by writing filters just like you do on MongoDB.

e.g. the following will GET(using POST actually in order to overcome url size limitations) all the users containing the role 'su'

pagination and sorting is also supported from the Rest API using the functionality of the MongoDB driver of Java.

curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/cms/user/GET' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-binary '{"roles":"su","_limit":10,"_skip":0,"_sortDirection":1}' \

HTTP Basic Authentication secure the API, this will be improved in later releases

Modeling of data

Describe the data models in the cms.model collection. Dynamically create the models from the UI, upload them as JSON files, or load them from the resource files.

For example, the model of the users is

  "database": "cms",
  "collection": "user",
  "fields": [
      "id": true,
      "name": "_id",
      "type": "oid"
      "name": "password",
      "type": "secret1"
      "name": "name"
      "name": "securityRealm",
      "regex": "^local|ldap$"
      "name": "email",
      "type": "email"
      "name": "phone",
      "type": "phone"
      "name": "permissions",
      "regex": "\\z|^.*:.*:.*$"
      "name": "roles",
      "type": "json"
      "name": "rolesRelation",
      "relation": "cms:role:{'name': { '$in': [{roles}] } }",
      "type": "json"
  "indexes": [
      "index": {
        "name": 1
      "options": {
        "unique": true
      "index": {
        "email": 1
      "options": {
        "unique": true

K8sCMS uses the same modeling technique for the system models (user, role, model) and the user dynamic models. If you need to secure the models from changes in production environments, simply omit the PUT|PATCH permissions from the users and roles.

MongoDB indexes

Models also describe the indexes to be created in Mongo.

Primary Keys

Define primary keys with the id field in the model.

Eager relations

Define the relations in an expressing syntax and let K8sCMS eagerly fetch the related documents along with the queried ones.

e.g. a user has roles, whenever you GET a user, you also 'GET' her roles

  "_id": "5ec11d7beec77237a1ce024d",
  "name": "admin",
  "securityRealm": "local",
  "password": "********",
  "roles": [
  "rolesRelation": [
      "_id": "5ec11d7aeec77237a1ce024c",
      "name": "su",
      "permissions": ".*:.*:.*"

Data validation

Read about that later

Data validation

Create the database models, upload them to the MongoDB collection cms.model and you will have validation of data.

Validation does not prevent the persistence of data.

When using the UI, K8sCMS will validate the uploaded data before they are persisted.

Additionally, K8sCMS will also validate the data every time you invoke the GET method.

The models describe the validation rules based on the data types.

The available data types are:

  • oid mapped from the MongoDB $oid type as HEX
  • date mapped from the MongoDB $date type as ISO8601
  • string
  • integer
  • decimal
  • boolean
  • json e.g {"key":"value"} or ["value", 1, true] or {"key":{"array":[1,2,"infinity"]}}
  • email helper type for email validation and creating email anchors
  • phone helper type for creating phone anchors
  • secret1 mapped to one-way encrypted text on MongoDB
  • secret2 mapped to two-way encrypted text on MongoDB
  • cron helper type for cron expressions

On top of the data types, regular expressions can be applied for syntax validation of the data

Define regular expressions e.g. for validating numbers as currencies and applying enumeration validation on the data.

E.g. the following defines a document field (named euroRegex) with numbers containing max tow decimal digits. It will match for 1, 12.1 and 0.01 but not for 1000.999.

  "name": "euroRegex",
  "regex": "^\\d*(\\.)?(\\d{1,2})?$"

Data upload

Upload your data using xlsx or json formats. Take a look at the /samples folder. Use that same functionality when updating the models.

File download

Download the data from MongoDB by using the UI (as xlsx files) or by invoking the Rest API (as json arrays).

Data migration

By using the download/upload functionality, you can seamlessly migrate data between, collections, databases and different environments. Migrating data from the staging to the production environment was never that easy.


Log the CRUD endpoints that you only wish by changing the' cms.log property. It is a regular expression that defines which requests on collections and HTTP verbs must be logged.

By default ^(cms:(?!log)(.*):(POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE))$|^(testDB:.*:DELETE)$ is used.

This way, K8sCMS will log only the data input requests on the cms database, excluding the cms.log collection.

I included the testDB database and DELETE verb for testing only, you can safely remove it.


One way encryption

E.g. for passwords

Two way encryption

Data stored in MongoDB using two way encryption cannot be decrypted without the two keys that are stored in the source code and in the file.



For user authentication, two options are available.


A local authentication implementation is in place and uses MongoDB as the persistence of the user passwords.

K8sCMS encrypts passwords using one way encryption.


Setup the admin and the ldap url. Next create the users with the ldap securityRealm.

Finally, setup roles and permissions per role or per user.


MongoDB keeps the permissions (who can GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE data on collections) of the users in the cms.user and cms.role collections as regular expressions.

The syntax is simple and powerful.

<database regex>:<collection regex>:<http verb regex>

e.g. .*:.*:.* gives access to all the databases, all the collections and all the HTTP verbs.

cms:log:.GET gives GET only access to the log collection of the cms database.

Beautiful material ui

  • SPA makes your pod's life easy
  • Browser navigation, browser refresh and history support by using # queries. e.g. http://localhost:8080/#COLLECTION&database=testDB&collection=test&_sort=date&_sortDirection=1&_skip=100&_limit=50
  • Pagination like never seen before
  • Sorting
  • Write MongoDB filters to query the data
  • Upload/download excel with simple clicks
  • POST or PUT documents from uploaded files based on primary keys (_id in Mongo)
  • Cookie based security with strong encryption

Native compilation

Minimize the footprint of CPU and memory on your k8s cluster.

Native compilation and docker

Build docker image

docker build -f Dockerfile -t k8scms .
docker build -t .
docker push

Create Docker network for mongo and cms

Create network

docker network create

Start mongo

docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo --net k8scms mongo

Start cms

docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 --name k8scms --net cms k8scms

LDAP realm

Set up docker image

Docker run

docker run -p 389:389 -p 636:636 --name --env LDAP_ORGANISATION="Test Company" --env LDAP_DOMAIN="" --env LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="password" --detach osixia/openldap:1.3.0

Sample query

docker exec ldap_test_com ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost -b dc=test,dc=com -D "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com" -w password


The cms.user table

cms.user table

The upload page with the pre-persist validation


Pagination, sorting and querying

pagination validation quering

Data validations and JSON view

validation and JSON





Download excel



  • LDAP authentication has not been tested over TLS
  • The scheduling service needs some work. Documentation is also missing.
  • A dark theme for the UI


K8s ready headless CMS featuring Mongo and Quarkus







No releases published
