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Shopping Assignment Backend - Node JS

An API written in Express.


Install node

  • OSX: brew install node
  • Ubuntu: apt-get install nodejs

Install dependencies

You will need to use npm here.

You can find the list of dependencies for any Node project in its package.json file. To install them, simply run:

npm install

Also Install the dependencies if not installed properly

This will download all the Node libraries you need, and place them into the node_modules/ directory at the base of the project. node can access them so long as you run it in somewhere in the project dir; if you want to see for yourself, open the Node REPL by running node with no arguments while in the project directory, and try running const l = require('lodash')—it will place the lodash library in the l variable.


... the development server

Run this command (which is defined in the scripts section of package.json):

npm run dev-start

Et voilà! Visit localhost:3000 to see everything in action.


If you are using VSCode, after running the dev server in your terminal, you can attach the VSCode debugger by clicking the debug panel and then hitting the play button using the "Attach debugger" configuration.

Otherwise, you can figure out how to attach your own debugger to Node's built-in inspector, which should work on port 9229. I hear you can use Chrome to do this, but I haven't researched how.

To insert a breakpoint, just add the line debugger to your code.

Pull Request Workflow

For every feature this is how you should work -

  1. You are on master
  2. git pull
  3. git checkout -b <branch_name>
  4. Make your changes
  5. git add -A
  6. git commit -m "put in a commit message"
  7. The first time that you push a branch, you need to run git push -u origin <branch_name> For ALL OTHER TIMES, you just need to do git push
  9. Get somebody (your team lead) to REVIEW THE CODE.

... the server

Ensure all the proper environment variables are present, and then run:

npm start

Required environment variables

Until you add more, these ones are necessary for a production deploy:

  • PRIVKEY_CERT_LOC and FULLCHAIN_CERT_LOC: Location of SSL certificate files, as produced by LetsEncrypt's autocert script
  • JWT_SECRET: The secret used to produce JSON Web Tokens

API Testing Tool

Postman for Linux

Version 7.25.2

Sample API Request and Response has been updated here for reference


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