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Homework 2 - Chisel State

Adopting our agile mindset, some of these problems revise components introduced in prior homework assignments. Although we provide a skeleton for testers, you will need to implement them in order to use them. Be sure not to modify external IO interfaces to maintain compatability with the autograder.

Problem 1 - Improved ComplexALU (15 pts)

Let's enhance our ComplexALU from HW1 using Bundles and encapsulation. This problem will consist of multiple parts that build from each other.

Part 1 - ComplexNum

Implement the ComplexNum bundle in src/main/scala/hw2/Complex.scala by adding two SInt fields: real and imag and four methods with the following signatures:

   def sumReal(that:  ComplexNum): SInt 
   def sumImag(that:  ComplexNum): SInt 
   def diffReal(that: ComplexNum): SInt
   def diffImag(that: ComplexNum): SInt

The goal of these methods is to effectively overload the + and - operators so we can easily work with ComplexNum in future modules while hiding implementation details. Make sure the arithmetic methods allow for bit width growth.

Part 2 - ComplexALUIO

Implement the ComplexALUIO bundle in src/main/scala/hw2/Complex.scala by adding three Input fields:

  doAdd: Option[Bool]
  c0: ComplexNum
  c1: ComplexNum

and one Output field:

out: ComplexNum

Ensure the width of out allows for bit width growth. For help with optional IO see the cookbook.

Part 3 - ComplexALU

Implement the ComplexALU module in src/main/scala/hw2/Complex.scala using only the methods defined in ComplexNum to perform arithmetic. It will behave similarly to HW1, except that if the onlyAdder parameter is true, the generated hardware will not even include a port for doAdd.

  • if doAdd is high, sum the real inputs and sum the imaginary inputs
  • if doAdd is low, find difference between the real inputs and the difference between the imaginary inputs
  • if onlyAdder is true, only generate logic to sum the real inputs and sum the imaginary inputs. Since we no longer need doAdd, it should be absent from the Verilog.

Problem 2 - Improved PolyEval (15 pts)

Let's enhance our PolyEval from HW1 to support arbitrary polynomials. Implement the PolyEval module in src/main/scala/hw2/PolyEval.scala. The coefs parameter is a list of coefficients ordered by ascending exponent powers. The generated hardware should produce the result combinatorally (within a cycle).

For example:

  coefs = Seq(4, 5, 6)
  x = 2
  out = 4*x^0 + 5*x^1 + 6*x^2 = 4 + 10 + 24 = 38

Problem 3 - Sine Wave Generator (30 pts)

Sine waves are useful in DSPs, and in this problem, we will implement a sine wave generator (SineWaveGen). Over multiple cycles, the generated hardware will produce the output values for a sine wave. Internally, it will track where it is in the period, and use that to index into a lookup table. The lookup table will hold a single period of the sine wave (sin(x)) sampled at period points. Thus, due to the periodic nature of a sine wave, a point at p should be the same as a point p + period. To assist, we provide SineWave (in src/main/scala/hw2/SineWaveGen.scala) which represents the sine wave to be turned into a hardware table, and it can also be used as a Scala functional model to get the needed points.

Since we are working with UInts instead of floating-point, we use the parameter amplitude to scale up the result. The generated hardware will take two inputs (en and stride). Each cycle the module will output the next sample if en is high, or keep returning the same sample if en is low. The stride input determines how many samples to step through the ROM each cycle. Note, that stride may not evenly divide the period.

Part 1 - SineWaveGenIO

Implement the SineWaveGenIO bundle in src/main/scala/hw2/SineWaveGen.scala by adding two Input fields:

  stride: UInt
  en: Bool

and one Output field:

out: SInt

Part 2 - SineWaveGen

Implement the SineWaveGen module in src/main/scala/hw2/SineWaveGen.scala, using a SineWaveGenIO as the module's IO.

Example given these parameters:

    val period = 16
    val amplitude = 128

If stride is 1 then SineWaveGen will return one value each cycle in this order:

0, 48, 90, 118, 128, 118, 90, 48, 0, -48, -90, -118, -128, -118, -90, -48

If stride is 2 then SineWaveGen will return one value each cycle in this order:

0, 90, 128, 90, 0, -90, -128, -90

Problem 4 - XOR Cipher (40 pts)

An XOR cipher is a simple cryptographic encryption algorithm based on the XOR operation. Given a secret key and data of the same length, we can encrypt data by performing ciphertext = data ^ key. We can decrypt ciphertext by performing data = ciphertext ^ key.

We will implement a simple XOR cipher. Inside the generated hardware, there will be a register data to hold the data (potentially encrypted) and a register key to hold the key. We will use a state machine internally to keep track of the status of the system. Upon reset, the system will wait until it is given an input secret key to load in. With the secret key stored held inside key, it is now ready to accept input data. When given input data, it will encrypt it on the way in and store it in data as ciphertext. The ciphertext in data can be decrypted, but after a cycle the decrypted data must be overwritten or zeroed out.

To encode commands, we use the following input signals:

  • clear: zero out both the data and the secret key
  • loadKey: store in into the secret key
  • loadAndEnc: store in encrypted (via XOR with the secret key) into data
  • decrypt: decrypt data with the secret key

Part 1 - XORCipherIO

Implement the XORCipherIO bundle in src/main/scala/hw2/XORCipher.scala by adding two Input fields:

  in:   UInt
  cmds: XORCipherCmds

and four Output fields:

  out:       UInt (output of data register)
  full:      Bool (data register has valid data)
  encrypted: Bool (data register has encrypted data)
  state:     CipherState (eases testing of FSM)

Part 2 - XORCipher

Implement the XORCipher module in src/main/scala/hw2/XORCipher.scala using XORCipherIO as the IO. We will build a FSM with four states:

  • clear: data and key are both 0 (initial state)
  • ready: secret key is set
  • encrypted: data is filled with ciphertext
  • decypted: data is filled with decrypted data

The state transitions will follow this diagram:

fsm schematic

In general, at most one signal in XORCipherCmds should be high at a time, but use the following precedence order when multiple are high:

  clear > loadKey > loadAndEncrypt > decrypt 

For example, any time clear is seen, flush the contents and go to the empty state. If none of the transition conditions are satisfied, remain in the present state.

We recommend using the tester (after filling it in) located in src/test/scala/hw2/XORCipherTestSuite.scala to drive your development.