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Base configuration for eslint, used internally


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Base configuration for eslint, used internally by @agilecontent

How to use

Add this repository as a dev dependency, alongside eslint:

npm i -D @agilecontent/eslint-config


yarn add -D @agilecontent/eslint-config

Extend this config in your project's. Example with .eslintrc.js:

module.exports = {
  extends: [
    //...other extended config
    '@agilecontent/eslint-config', //or '@agilecontent/eslint-config/frontend' if you use react
  rules: {
    //Add you own rules here

IMPORTANT: This config includes eslint-config-prettier, so it is very important to put this as the last extended config

Rule reasoning


  • arrow-body-style: if the only expression in an arrow function is a return, the function should not have braces
  • no-duplicate-imports: prevents the imports to become a mess
  • curly: adds curly braces to single statement conditionals and loops to prevent prettier to make them single line


Everything in base config, plus:

  • Extends plugin:react/recommended with recommended rules
  • Extends plugin:react-hooks/recommended with rules for react hooks
  • react/prefer-stateless-function: if a react class component only has a render(), it should be a function component
  • react/jsx-fragments: makes explicit the use of react fragment, instead of the <></> syntax, as the short syntax does not support attributes (i.e. key=)
  • react/self-closing-comp: empty components should be self closing (i.e. <div/> instead of <div></div>)


Everything in base config, plus:

  • env.browser set to false

Please contribute. 😁


Just create a Pull Request with the reasoning for the change in rules or config.

If adding a rule that is fixable via --fix, set the severity to "warn".


Base configuration for eslint, used internally




