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Java language rules

Bhaumik Soni edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

1 Don't ignore exceptions

You must never do the following:

void setServerPort(String value) {
    try {
        serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }

While you may think that your code will never encounter this error condition or that it is not important to handle it, ignoring exceptions like above creates mines in your code for someone else to trip over some day. You must handle every Exception in your code in some principled way. The specific handling varies depending on the case. - (Android code style guidelines)

See alternatives here.

2 Don't catch generic exception

You should not do this:

try {
    someComplicatedIOFunction();        // may throw IOException
    someComplicatedParsingFunction();   // may throw ParsingException
    someComplicatedSecurityFunction();  // may throw SecurityException
    // phew, made it all the way
} catch (Exception e) {                 // I'll just catch all exceptions
    handleError();                      // with one generic handler!

See the reason why and some alternatives here

3 Don't use finalizers

We don't use finalizers. There are no guarantees as to when a finalizer will be called, or even that it will be called at all. In most cases, you can do what you need from a finalizer with good exception handling. If you absolutely need it, define a close() method (or the like) and document exactly when that method needs to be called. See InputStream for an example. In this case it is appropriate but not required to print a short log message from the finalizer, as long as it is not expected to flood the logs. - (Android code style guidelines)