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ROS2 Packages for Ranger Robot

This repository contains ROS2 support packages for the Ranger robot bases to provide a ROS interface to the robot.

Supported hardware

  • Ranger Mini V1.0

  • Ranger Mini V2.0

  • Ranger

Build the package

  1. Install dependencies
$ sudo apt install libasio-dev libboost-all-dev
  1. Clone and build the packages in a workspace
$ cd ~/agilex_ws/src
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ colcon build
  1. Setup CAN-To-USB adapter
  • Enable gs_usb kernel module(If you have already added this module, you do not need to add it)

    $ sudo modprobe gs_usb
  • first time use ranger-ros package

    $ sudo bash /src/ranger_ros2/ranger_bringup/scripts/setup_can2usb.bash
  • if not the first time use ranger-ros package(Run this command every time you turn off the power)

    $ sudo bash /src/ranger_ros2/ranger_bringup/scripts/bringup_can2usb.bash
  • Testing command

    # receiving data from can0
    $ candump can0
  1. Launch ROS2 nodes
  • Start the base node for ranger

    $ ros2 launch ranger_bringup ranger.launch #for ranger
  • Start the base node for ranger_mini_v1

    $ ros2 launch ranger_bringup ranger_mini_v1.launch #for ranger_mini 1.0
  • Start the base node for ranger_mini_v2

    $ ros2 launch ranger_bringup ranger_mini_v2.launch #for ranger_mini 2.0

ROS interface


  • can_device (string): can0
  • robot_model (string): ranger/ranger_mini_v1/ranger_mini_v2
  • update_rate (int): 50
  • base_frame (string): base_link
  • odom_frame (string): odom
  • publish_odom_tf (bool): true
  • odom_topic_name (string): odom

Published topics

  • /system_state (ranger_msgs::SystemState)
  • /motion_state (ranger_msgs::MotionState)
  • /actuator_state (ranger_msgs::ActuatorStateArray)
  • /odom (nav_msgs::Odometry)
  • /battery_state (sensor_msgs::BatteryState)

Subscribed topics

  • /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs::Twist)
