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Django Secure Login

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Django secure login provides utilities to add simple security steps around login and registration. It provides two mixins, SecureLoginBackendMixin and SecureFormMixin which check for common vulnerabilities while logging in.

  • SecureLoginBackendMixin can be used with any Backend which has a concept of username and password
  • SecureFormMixin can be used with any Form which has a concept of username and password. (eg login form, registration form etc)


  • SECURE_LOGIN_CHECKERS: A list of strings which can be evaluated to callables. The callable should return True if it wants the authentication to go through.
  • SECURE_LOGIN_ON_FAIL: A list of strings which can be evaluated to callables. Can take any action appropriate to a failed login.
  • SECURE_LOGIN_MAX_HOURLY_ATTEMPTS: Max failed attempts per hour before the user is locked out.


  • Works with any Backend and Form which has usename-y and password-y attributes.
  • Ensure that passwords have a minimum length (default 6)
  • Ensure that the password is not in the list of known weak passwords.
  • Ensure username is not same as password
  • Email user on a failed login attempt for them.
  • Lockout after 10 failed attempts within an hour.




AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ("secure_login.backends.SecureLoginBackend", )

Which will run all the default checkers.


AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ("secure_login.backends.SecureLoginBackend", )



SECURE_LOGIN_CHECKERS should be a list of callables. Each callable should only return true if it wants the authentication to go through.



SECURE_LOGIN_ON_FAIL should be a list of callables. Each callable would be called in order if the authentication falls.

Writing new secure backends.

If you have an existing backend FooBackend, you can add SecureBackend like this.

class SecureFooLoginBackend(SecureLoginBackendMixin, FooBackend):

If this backend has email as an username like identifier.

class SecureFooLoginBackend(SecureLoginBackendMixin, FooBackend):

    def username_fieldname(self):
        return "email"

Secure Form

Use the SecureFormMixin with your usual forms. If you have an existing for FooForm

class SecureFooForm(SecureFormMixin, FooForm):

If this form uses email as username lke identifier

class SecureFooForm(SecureFormMixin, FooForm):

    def username_fieldname(self):
        return "email"

SECURE_LOGIN_CHECKERS will be tested in the the clean method.


  • Rate limits login attempts per IP.
  • Rate limits login attempts per user.
  • Emails admins on X failed attempts.
  • Integrate with fail2ban.
  • Support 2F authentication