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kakao / com.agoda.kakao.intent / IntentBuilder


class IntentBuilder

Class for building Intent matchers


Name Summary
<init> IntentBuilder()
Class for building Intent matchers


Name Summary
any fun any(): Unit
Matches any intent
getMatcher fun getMatcher(): Matcher<Intent>
getResult fun getResult(): ActivityResult?
hasAction fun hasAction(action: String): Unit
fun hasAction(action: Matcher<String>): Unit
Matches intent with given action
hasCategories fun hasCategories(vararg categories: String): Unit
fun hasCategories(categories: Matcher<out Iterable<String>>): Unit
Matches intent with given categories
hasComponent fun hasComponent(className: String): Unit
Matches intent which component has given class namefun hasComponent(component: ComponentName): Unit
fun hasComponent(component: Matcher<ComponentName>): Unit
fun hasComponent(function: ComponentNameBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit
Matches intent with given component
hasData fun hasData(uri: String): Unit
fun hasData(uri: Uri): Unit
fun hasData(uri: Matcher<Uri>): Unit
fun hasData(function: UriBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit
Matches intent with given data
hasExtra fun hasExtra(key: String, value: Any): Unit
fun hasExtra(key: Matcher<String>, value: Matcher<Any>): Unit
Matches intent with given extra
hasExtras fun hasExtras(extras: Matcher<Bundle>): Unit
fun hasExtras(function: BundleBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit
Matches intent with given extras
hasExtraWithKey fun hasExtraWithKey(key: String): Unit
fun hasExtraWithKey(key: Matcher<String>): Unit
Matches intent with given extra key
hasFlag fun hasFlag(flag: Int): Unit
Matches intent with given flag
hasFlags fun hasFlags(flags: Int): Unit
fun hasFlags(vararg flags: Int): Unit
Matches intent with given flags
hasPackage fun hasPackage(packageName: String): Unit
fun hasPackage(packageName: Matcher<String>): Unit
Matches intent with given package
hasType fun hasType(type: String): Unit
fun hasType(type: Matcher<String>): Unit
Matches intent with given type
isInternal fun isInternal(): Unit
Matches any internal intent
toPackage fun toPackage(packageName: String): Unit
Matches intent which addresses to given package
withResult fun withResult(function: ActivityResultBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit
Invoke this function if you want to set default result for intending intents