A java client library for https://holidayapi.com/
The API provider doesn't have a java client library, so I developed one and it is very simple to use. Lookup https://holidayapi.com/ for required and optional parameters
The application uses log4j to log events.
Provide the logging configuration by having the file log4j.xml in the classpath.
You can download the pre-configured configuration file from the directory <project_root>/log4j/log4j2.xml
Maven dependency
Sample java code
//create a consumer
APIConsumer consumer = new HolidayAPIConsumer("https://holidayapi.com/v1/holidays");
//generate the wuery parameters
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
//JSON is the default format
try {
//make the API call
HolidayAPIResponse response = consumer.getHolidays(params);
//check the status code of the API call
int status = response.getStatus();
if (status != 200) {
//handle error scenario
} else {
//handle success scenario
List<Holiday> holidays = response.getHolidays();
for (Holiday h : holidays) {
//do your thing
} catch (IOException e) {
//handle exception
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