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A command-line client for

Note: Visit the master branch for the latest released version.


Pre-built binaries

Binaries for Linux, MacOS and Windows are available under releases.

From source

You need to have Go installed.

On Debian GNU/Linux:

sudo apt install golang

On MacOS:

brew install go

Then issue:

go get -u

Note: This command will place the tils executable under the bin directory of your $GOPATH. To be able to execute it without typing its absolute path, you can update your PATH variable to include Go's bin directory by adding the following line to the proper dotfile for your shell (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc etc):

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin


First sign up for an account and get your API token.

Use the config command to enter your API token:

$ tils config
? API token: 41271f50fd9a7dcf904a727039a5ec24
Wrote config

Alternatively, you can set the TILS_CLI_API_TOKEN environment variable which takes precedence over the config file.


$ tils help
tils [command]


    new        Create til
    show       Show til content in the terminal
    open       Open til in the browser
    copy       Copy til to the clipboard
    edit       Edit til
    archive    Archive til
    delete     Delete til
    config     Configure
    version    Print the current version
    help       Print this help text

If a command is not provided, a picker will ask for one


The MIT License


Angelos Orfanakos,