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Agustin Perez Paladini edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

General Usage

Starting / closing the app

The app can be executed on start (win for example) or manually just executing on the qt_client. Note that in order to start the app hidden you must call the app with the --hidden argument (<alias_folder>/qt_client --hidden).

When executing the app, the main screen appears:

start screen

Every time the app is executed all the tags and content is loaded. The idea is to execute the app only once and hide it when not using it. For hide the app, simply press Escape button. (Note that all the keys are captured when the focus is in the search bar). When pressing Escape the app will hide and you can re-open it using the key-shortcut defined on the init.json (default value is Alt+Shift+Return).

If you press the (x) button of the window, the app will be completely closed and needs to be re opened.

Adding content

Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter will start the Content editor:

content editor

There you can create new elements, the available options are:

  • Encrypted: will define if we want to store the item encrypted or not, it will require a paraphrase.
  • Type: TEXT | COMMAND, is the type of content we are storing, so when "using" the content executes different actions:
    • TEXT: copies the text to the clipboard
    • COMMAND: executes the command on the console.

The first fields is the content field, the second one is where you will set the tags. Tags are created when pressing Space. This tag bar works in a similar way as the one explained on section "Searching Elements"

Searching content

The tag bar works as follow (as example of the image):


when pressing keys it will show below a list of possible tags that start with the given prefix. When a list of tags are suggested:

  • Pressing tab will complete the prefix to the max common prefix from all suggested tags.
  • Pressing tab after having the maximal common prefix, the app will navigate over the suggested tags (tab -> next, Shift+tab -> previous).
  • While highlighting tags, the content will start appearing above in the list. Once it appears you can use the arrows Up Down to select content.
  • When a content is highlighted, pressing Enter will "processthe content (if isTEXTwill copy to the clipboard, if it is aCOMMAND` will execute it, etc).

Editing / deleting content

For editing content, you can highlight the content (as described above) you want to edit / delete and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter will open the Content Editor which allows you to change it or delete it.


  • Every content is added with tags, these tags are used to reference the content.
  • Multiple contents can have similar tags.
  • Once a tag is selected (when searching for contents) the list of suggested tags are only those from the list of all tags that contents with already selected tags are. In other words, selected tags works as filters.