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Project 3: Collaboration and Competition

Project Details


In this environment, two agents control rackets to bounce a ball over a net. If an agent hits the ball over the net, it receives a reward of +0.1. If an agent lets a ball hit the ground or hits the ball out of bounds, it receives a reward of -0.01. Thus, the goal of each agent is to keep the ball in play.

The observation space consists of 8 variables corresponding to the position and velocity of the ball and racket. Each agent receives its own, local observation. Two continuous actions are available, corresponding to a movement toward (or away from) the net, and jumping.

Solving the Environment

The task is episodic, and to solve the environment, the agents must get an average score of +0.5 (over 100 consecutive episodes, after taking the maximum over both agents). Specifically,

After each episode, rewards that each agent received (without discounting) is added up, to get a score for each agent. This yields 2 (potentially different) scores. We then take the maximum of these 2 scores. This yields a single score for each episode. The environment is considered solved when the average (over 100 episodes) of those scores is at least +0.5.

Getting Started

This section contains instructions for installing dependencies and downloading needed files.

Project dependencies

  • tensorflow==1.7.1
  • Pillow>=4.2.1
  • matplotlib
  • numpy>=1.11.0
  • jupyter
  • pytest>=3.2.2
  • docopt
  • pyyaml
  • protobuf==3.5.2
  • grpcio==1.11.0
  • torch==0.4.0
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • ipykernel

Installing dependencies

Install the project dependencies using this command:

!pip -q install ./python

It will install dependencies contained in ./python folder.

Downloading needed files

  1. Download the environment from one of the links below. Only select the environment that matches the operating system:

    (For Windows users) Check out this link to determine if your computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.

    (For AWS) To train the agent on AWS (and have not enabled a virtual screen), then use this link to obtain the "headless" version of the environment. To watch the agent, follow the instructions to enable a virtual screen, and then download the environment for the Linux operating system above.

  2. Place the file in a specific folder on the project, and unzip (or decompress) the file.


To start training the agent, open Tennis.ipynb on Jupyter Notebook and to run the code cell use Shift+Enter or click the Run button.


Udacity DRLND Project 3






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