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   GTK VNC  Readme

gtk-vnc is a project providing client side APIs for the
RFB protocol / VNC remote desktop technology.

It is built using coroutines allowing it to be completely
asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It provides
two core C libraries, libgvnc for interacting with the core
RFB protocol and libgtk-vnc for a GTK display widget.

Access from non-C languages is available using the GObject
Introspection system.

For information about the project visit the webpage at:

To contact developers use the project mailing list at:

To browse or report bugs, go to our bug tracker page at:

Installation notes

 * GTK2/GTK3: The build currently defaults to using GTK3.
   To enable legacy GTK2 support the flag '--with-gtk=2.0' must
   be passed to configure.

         ./configure --with-gtk=2.0

   Note that when built against GTK3 the library name for gtk-vnc
   will become '' and the pkg-config file will
   also be 'gtk-vnc-2.0', rather than '' and 'gtk-vnc-1.0'
   for the GTK2 build.

   The gvnc library is unaffected by GTK2/GTK3 build choice since it
   only depends on GLib/GIO

 * NetBSD: You must run configure using


   since any app linking against NetBSD's is
   forbidden from using swapcontext() calls, which is gtk-vnc's
   default coroutine impl. For further information see

 * MinGW: The SASL protocol extension is not available on
   this platform

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