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jamieklassen edited this page Mar 28, 2013 · 10 revisions

Site Administration


Navbar Image The navigation toolbar at the top of every page contains some basic tools: a link back to the main page, the option to log in or out, and (for authenticated users in the viewer page) the option of modifying the page numbers for the witnesses in a codex.

Main Page

Main Page Image The important feature of this page is a table containing all the manuscripts available to view. The columns are described below:

  • Codex contains a title for each manuscript in the database.
  • # displays the number of images in the manuscript.
  • Author and Title give a breakdown of the various texts (called "witnesses") contained in each manuscript.

Clicking the Codex name will take you to the viewer page, at the first page of the manuscript. Clicking the title of one of the texts in a codex will take you to the viewer page, starting at the first page of the particular text you clicked.

Viewer Page

Viewer Page Image This page consists of two columns. The (wider) righthand column contains the Diva image viewer for the selected manuscript, and you can find detailed usage instructions for the Diva viewer here. We describe the left-hand column here:

  • Author & Title of the text you are currently viewing are in bold at the top of the left-hand column. As you scroll through the pages in the viewer section, this information will automatically change to reflect information about the text you are currently looking at.
  • the Titles in this Codex dropdown allows you to choose which text in the manuscript you wish to view. Changing the selection in the dropdown will automatically take you to the first page of the new text.
  • the Show Witness Info button will cause a window to drop into view, displaying a table containing metadata for the current text:

Metadata Window Image

You can change the configurations for what is displayed in this window and how at the Att & Rel Display settings section of the administration site.

Changing page numbers (for authenticated users)

More info on this later.

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