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A little observation about sqrt singularities in Sommerfeld integrals, tested in MATLAB/Octave, addressing a question of Leslie Greengard.

We consider a Sommerfeld (ie, along-interface Fourier) integral representation of 2D Helmholtz Green's functions in half-spaces. Let $x$ and $y$ be parameters related to source-target separations in the horizontal ($x$) and vertical ($y$) directions respectively. Let $\kappa$ be the overall wavenumber, which is large. A paradigm integral is

$$ I = \int_{-\kappa}^\kappa \frac{e^{ix \lambda} e^{iy\sqrt{\kappa^2-\lambda^2}}} {\sqrt{\kappa^2-\lambda^2}} d\lambda $$

where $\lambda$ is the $x$-Fourier variable. This omits the evanescent part; see standard literature such as [1], specifically, Eq. (23).

The oscillatory nature of integrand suggests a trapezoid rule in order to get spectral accuracy. The $-1/2$-power singularities at the endpoints suggests applying Alpert endpoint corrections to the trapezoid rule [2]. These have been packaged by Andras Pataki then by myself in MPSpack. If $y=0$ we see that this combination is very successful, using Alpert 16th order rule (from his Table 7) on the above integral:

K = 200*2*pi;     % overall wavenumber, for 200 wavelengths across unit domain
x = 1;            % toy model of source-target x-coord separation
f = @(l) exp(1i*x*l)./sqrt(K^2-l.^2);      % integrand no y-term
addpath mpspack   % or wherever you installed it
for N=400:200:1600
  [x,w]=quadr.QuadNodesInterval(-K,K,N,[],2,2,16);     % "2" means 1/sqrt type
  [N, real(w'*f(x))]                       % apply quadrature rule

The results (after minor filtering) show 11-digit accuracy by $N=1600$ nodes:

                       400        0.631576677565719
                       600        0.0499037154298492
                       800        0.0499953278789497
                      1000        0.0499950196661369
                      1200        0.0499950242643807
                      1400        0.0499950241884407
                      1600        0.0499950241828673

This is quite acceptable, since the Nyquist expectation of 2 nodes per wavelength would be $N=2k=800$. Indeed high-order convergence begins at around that $N$. We are done at 4 points per wavelength. (Note that the periodic trapezoid rule would be expected to start convergence at half Nyquist, ie, 1 node per wavelength.)

However, with a unit-sized $y$ separation from the interface, the rule needs way more points:

y = 1;
f = @(l) exp(1i*x*l + 1i*y*sqrt(K^2-l.^2))./sqrt(K^2-l.^2);      % no y-term
for N=1e4:1e4:8e4
  [x,w]=quadr.QuadNodesInterval(-K,K,N,[],2,2,16); [N, real(w'*f(x))]
                     10000        0.0418564385412951
                     20000       -0.0121757351447327
                     30000       -0.0119843720596832
                     40000       -0.0119841697612409
                     50000       -0.0119841578608809
                     60000       -0.0119841588957764
                     70000       -0.0119841589390626
                     80000       -0.0119841589409531

Now $N=80000$ is needed to get the same 11-digit accuracy. This is an unacceptable 200 points per wavelength, and as $\kappa$ grows this ratio would continue to grow! Yet the function does not appear to have many more total oscillations, so what's going on? We plot it:

t=linspace(-K,K,1e4); plot(t,real(f(t)),'-');
axis([-K K -1e-2 1e-2]); xlabel('\lambda')

Sommerfeld integrand for reasonable x and y

There are inverse sqrt singularities in amplitude that Alpert was designed to address, but the real culprit is the fact that the local oscillation frequency diverges at $\lambda = \pm \kappa$, due to the $y$ term upstairs. This term $e^{iy\sqrt{\kappa^2-\lambda^2}}$ is the composition of the semicircle function with the complex exponential, so the distance between oscillations at the endpoints becomes much less than its typical value of ${\cal O}(1/\kappa)$; it becomes as small as ${\cal O}(1/\kappa^2)$. This explains why a vast oversampling is needed.

We see that a global transformation can be made which stretches those packed oscillations out: let $\lambda = \kappa \cos t$, hence $d\lambda = -\kappa \sin t dt$ will be used to change the weights. By a happy coincidence this also handles the 1/sqrt type multiplicative singularity, because the Jacobean is $\kappa \sin t = \sqrt{\kappa^2-\lambda^2}$. More rigorously, one may show that a transformation of squaring type (as cos is locally around the singularity $\lambda_0$) transforms functions in the class $\phi(\lambda) + \psi(\lambda)/\sqrt{\lambda-\lambda_0}$ where $\phi$ and $\psi$ are locally analytic, into locally analytic functions.

Thus we may use smooth-type end corrections, which exist for the higher order 32. The results are great:

for N=600:300:2100
  [t,w]=quadr.QuadNodesInterval(0,pi,N,[],1,1,32);    % "1" for smooth types
  [N, real(K*(w.*sin(t))'*f(K*cos(t)))]               % change var to lambda
                       600       -0.0311135015227045
                       900       -0.0120839847194038
                      1200       -0.0119842508538611
                      1500       -0.0119841587321117
                      1800       -0.0119841589370715
                      2100       -0.0119841589324932

We get 11 digits by $N\approx2000$, that is, 5 points per wavelength. Since the cos transformation has stretched the central part by a factor $\pi/2$, we would expect this factor more nodes, by Nyquist arguments. However, the order increase from 16 to 32 somewhat compensates. One sees that round-off error limits accuracy to about 11 digits.

In conclusion, a global cosine-type transformation, rather than a mere endpoint-correction, is essential to handle Sommerfeld integrals efficiently in the high-frequency limit.


[1] L. Greengard, Jingfang Huang, V. Rokhlin and S. Wandzura, "Accelerating fast multipole methods for the Helmholtz equation at low frequencies," in IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 32-38, July-Sept. 1998, doi: 10.1109/99.714591.

[2] B. K. Alpert, "Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules," SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 20(5) 1551-1584 (1999). doi: 10.1137/S106482759732514.


a little observation about sqrt singularities in Sommerfeld integrals







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