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React + Firebase


This application is a social media platform built using React and Firebase.

The application features a robust authentication system, enabling users to register and log in securely. This system is built using Firebase’s authentication services, ensuring the security and integrity of user data.

The application also includes protected routes, ensuring that only authenticated users can access certain parts of the application.

The application leverages Firebase Firestore, a real-time NoSQL database, for data storage and retrieval. This allows for the creation of new user accounts and the ability to log in existing users. The real-time capabilities of Firestore enable instant updates across all active clients, enhancing the interactivity of the application.

The application is designed using Chakra UI, a simple, modular, and accessible component library. Users can add posts, like other users’ posts, add comments to posts. They have the ability to delete their own comments and posts, giving them control over their content. Users can change their profile picture, allowing them to personalize their profile. They can also see likes and comments on their posts from other users, providing them with feedback and engagement.