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This repository contains the code for the group project for the CanHap501 course our team: phantom (@bradleyrrr, @joshibibhushan & @ahmed-shariff)

We were tasked with using the haply device (remeber to look here as well: to develop a haptic system. Our goal was to develop a system to train writing with the non dominant hand using the haply device. The blog posts each one of us wrote as part of the course work are listed below:

This repository contains all the different things we tried (with the messy history of how we did it). The sketch sketch_haptics_guidence contains the version which was used in our studies, which can be downloaded from the releases.

In the spirit of avoiding uploading binaries, you can follow the steps in the section To setup sketch to download the files necessary and setup the environments.

Directory structure

Each sketch_<something> directory contains a different sketch. The Test directory contains test scripts The Code directory has the different jar files that will be linked to each sketch by processing-config (see below). Same goes to the .java files in the root directory.

To setup sketches

Every-time you setup a new sketch, you can run the processing-config command to configure the sketches dependencies (basically linking to the files listed in files_list.csv)

Using poetry

Make sure you have poetry First run:

poetry install

Then execute:

poetry shell

Which should drop you into the with the python virtual environment setup. Then run the following to configure the projects.

Without poetry

Use the requirements.txt file to install the dependencies and run the following:

To Setup phidget sensor

Follow instruction from

To make sure the devices are working, check if the test results in errors (You might have to change the deivce parameters in the test/ file):

make test-phidget