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Arithmetic Evaluator

A program that uses stacks to evaluate an arithmetic expression in infix notation without converting it into postfix notation.

The program takes an input as s numeric expression in infix notation, such as 3+4*2, and outputs the result.

Arithmetic_Evaluator is a simple console application built using C++ that evaluates arithmetic expressions. The application supports basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as parentheses to group operations. Arithmetic_Evaluator provides an easy-to-use and efficient solution for evaluating arithmetic expressions programmatically.

    1. Operators are +, -, *, /, ^
    1. The expression should be formed correctly so that each operation has two arguments.
    1. The expression can have parenthesis, for example: 3*(4-2)+6.
    1. The expression can have negative numbers.
    1. The expression can have spaces in it, for example: 3 * (4-2) +6.

The expression can contain multiple operations and parentheses but must be valid and balanced (same number of opening and closing parentheses).

  • The operators are binary meaning there must be left & right value for each side.
  • Good: 2 + ((3 * 4)^(1 -5)) // Good example
  • Bad: 3 + (4 // parentheses not balanced
  • Bad: 3 + (1 +) // not enough numbers


  • The Calculator uses stacks to evaluate an arithmetic expression in infix notation without converting it into postfix notation.

  • It can compute a string of mathematical operations on integers only (including negative integers).

The calculator follows PEMDAS rules (order of opertions) and can handle the following symbols:

  • Operators order: ^, *, /, +, -
  • P - Parentheses: ( )
  • E - Exponents: Power ^ of positive integers
  • MD - Multiplication and Division (left to right) (× and ÷)
  • AS - Addition and Subtraction (left to right) (+ and -)


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