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ahmednawras committed Feb 28, 2009
0 parents commit a7a5426
Showing 1 changed file with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
log4erl Manual:

1. Features
2. Installation
3. Usage
4. API
5. Known issues
6. Future development
7. License

- Multiple logs
- Currently, only size-based log rotation of files for file appender
- Support default logger if no logger specified
- 5 predifined log levels (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- Support for user-specified log levels
- Support for simple log formatter (similar to Layouts in Log4J)
- Support for console log

To compile & install log4erl, download source from google code's website
( or from svn:
$> svn checkout log4erl
$> cd log4erl
$> make

or you can run the below from erlang shell:

$> cd src
$> erl
1> make:all([{outdir, "../ebin"}]).

1- In order to use log4erl, you need to first include it in the path. There
are 2 ways to do this:
a) include the "log4erl" directory in erlang's "lib" directory in the target
machine (cp -Rf log4erl /where/erlang/is/lib).
$> cp -Rf log4erl /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/

b) include the "log4erl" ebin directory in the path when running you program
$> erl -pz /path/to/log4erl ...

2- Once the log4erl directory is included, you can use its API as described in section "API". but before,
you need to run:
> application:start(log4erl).

3- Create loggers & add appenders to them as appropriate. You can do this as per the API below.
> log4erl:add_logger(messages_log).
> log4erl:add_file_appender(messages_log, file_logs, Conf).
where Conf is the configuration file or erlang term describing how the log is to be handled

4- Additionally, you can change format of file logs
> log4erl:change_format(messages_log, file_logs, Format).
where Format is formatting string as described in API. Note that you can also set the format
in the Conf tuple in log4erl:add_file_appender.

5- Now, you can log whatever messages you like as per logging functions described in API.

Precedance of log levels are:
all = debug < info < warn < error < fatal < none
User defined levels are always written except when none level is specified in the logger specification
(See below).

4. API:
Please be informed that the API below as of now is not stable and any of the functions/parameters below
may be changed without prior notice.

**> log4erl:add_logger(Name) -> ok | {error, E}
Name :: atom() name of the logger

This will create a new logger with name 'chat_logger"

**> log4erl:add_file_appender(Name, Spec) -> ok | {error, E}
Name :: atom() name of the appender. This value will be used
to uniquely references this file appender and can be used to
change log level and format of the appended file. This appender
will be added to the default_logger

Spec :: tuple() of the form
{LogDir, LogFileName, {size, Size}, NumOfRotations, Suffix, LogLevel}
{LogDir, LogFileName, {size, Size}, NumOfRotations, Suffix, LogLevel, Format}
This tuple defines the appender's attributes.

log4erl:add_file_appender(chat_room1, {"../logs", "room1", {size, 100000}, 4, "txt", warn}).
This will directs log4erl to create a file appender and add it to the default
logger. all log messages towards default logger will be written to file
"../logs/room1.txt". The file will have a size limit of 100000, after which
the file will be rotated for 4 times. The log level will be warn, which means
info & debug messages will not be written. Format is a list of specifiers. The meanin of these
specifiers can be found in description of log4erl:change_format/2 below.

After suffeciantly long time, the directory "../logs" will look like this:
$> ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahmed ahmed 103845 Jun 25 11:41 logger1_2.elog
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahmed ahmed 102095 Jun 25 11:41 logger1_3.elog
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahmed ahmed 106435 Jun 25 11:41 logger1_4.elog
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahmed ahmed 103390 Jun 25 11:41 logger1_1.elog
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahmed ahmed 7385 Jun 25 11:41 logger1.elog

**> log4erl:add_file_appender(Logger, Appender, SpecFile) -> ok
Logger :: atom()
Appender :: atom()

This will create a new appender and associate spec in Spec or in SpecFile to it. Spec and
content of SpecFile are the same as in add_file_appender/2

log4erl:add_file_appender(chat_log, file_logger, "../priv/chat_logs.conf").
This will add another logger with the name "chat_log" and use configuration in
the file "../priv/chat_logs.conf" for it. To write to this log, you need to specify
the name of the logger.

**> log4erl:add_console_appender(Appender, Spec) -> ok
log4erl:add_console_appender(Logger, Appender, Spec) -> ok
Logger :: atom()
Appender :: atom()
Spec :: tuple()

This will create a new console appender to either Logger or default logger and associate spec in Spec to it.
Spec is in the form {Level, Format}, which means exactly as it is in file_appender Spec

log4erl:add_console_appender(cmd_logs, {info, "%j %T [%L] %l%n"}).

**> log4erl:change_log_level(Level) -> ok
log4erl:change_log_level(Logger, Level) -> ok
Level::atom() = {all, debug, info, error, warn, fatal, none}

This will change log level for default logger or named logger to the level

log4erl:change_log_level(info). %% This will change level of default logger to info
log4erl:change_log_level(test_log, warn) %% This will change level of test_log logger to warn

**> log4erl:change_format(Appender, Format) -> ok
log4erl:change_format(Logger, Appender, Format) -> ok
Appender :: atom()
Logger :: atom()
Format :: string()

@since version 0.8.3

This will change the output format to the specified Format. Format is a pattern string similar to
PatternLayout in Log4j. patterns is an arbitrary string with specifiers (proceeded by '%').
Possible specifiers are below:
d - output date (1-2-2008)
j - output date (01-02-2008)
t - time (2:13:9)
T - time (02:28:01,811637)
y - year in YY format (08)
Y - year in YYYY format (2008)
M - month (2)
b - short name of month (Feb)
B - long name of month (February)
D - day
h - hour
m - minute
s - second
i - milli-seconds
l - the actual log message
L - log level
n - new line
% - the percentage sign (%)

log4erl:change_format(file1, "%j %T [%L] %l%n").
Will result in the following output (on log4erl:warn("hello"))

27-10-2008 15:28:59,98621 [warn] hello

**> log4erl:log(Level, Log) -> ok
Level :: atom()
Log :: string()

This will log the text Log to the default logger with level Level.

log4erl:log(warn, "Hello there").
log4erl:log(test_level, "Hello there").

**> log4erl:log(Level, Log, Data) -> ok
Level :: atom()
Log :: string()
Data :: list()

This will log the text Log to the default logger with level Level and
will use Data to format the log text.

log4erl:log(info, "received message ~p", [Msg]).

**> log4erl:log(Logger, Level, Log, Data) -> ok
Logger :: atom()
Level :: atom()
Log :: string()
Data :: list()

This will log the (Log, Data) to Logger with level Level

log4erl:log(chat_log, debug, "user entered chat text: ~p", [Chat]).

**> log4erl:Level(Log) -> ok
log4erl:Level(Log, Data) -> ok
log4erl:Level(Logger, Data) -> ok
log4erl:Level(Logger, Log, Data) -> ok

Level :: warn | info | error | fatal | debug
Logger :: atom()
Log :: string()
Data :: list()

log4erl:info("This is an info msg").
log4erl:warn("Received error ~p",[Msg]).
log4erl:fatal(chat_log, "exception occured").
log4erl:debug(chat_log, "message received is ~p", [Msg]).

- Name of both loggers & appenders should be unique and not registered since log4erl will try and register
their names. If the name is already registered, nothing will happen. This will be fixed soon.
- If you run change_log_format/1,2 and appender crashed, a restart from the supervisor will not record the latest
format used. It will only use either the default format or the format used in the argument is supplied.

- Add support for extensive file-based configuration
- Add support for different log persistance methods (e.g files, XML, console, DB, SNMP, syslog...etc)
- Add support for time-based log rotation
- Multiple configuration format (Erlang terms, XML?, properties files?)
- Add support for NDC & MDC ???

Please send your suggestion to ahmed.nawras <at @ at> gmail <dot . dot> com

This software is subject to "Mozilla Public License 1.1". You can find the license terms
in the file 'LICENSE.txt' shipping along with the source code. You may also get a copy
of the license term from the URL: "".

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