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A PHP library to extract and write variables to HTML page by using special attributes. It makes the creation of view be neat and simple. It completely separates view and controller. So, you don't need to write PHP code in view. It's the real view.

Author Profile

Ahmad (



  • PHP 5.3 or later
  • PSR-4 compatible autoloader
  • Composer


This library is developed to be installed via Composer. Make sure you have installed Composer in your computer. You can download it at URL

Run this command below at command console.

composer require ahmjw/php-dom-view

Or make a file named as composer.json. Write down this code below.

    "require": {
        "ahmjw/chupoo-framework": "^1.0"

Open the command console at the same directory with composer.json file. Execute this code below to install.

php composer.phar install



include 'vendor/autoload.php';

Special HTML Tags


By writing <c.content></c.content> or <c.content /> in your HTML template, it will replace it with view's content.


You can call other HTML file by writing <c.import name="menu"></c.import> or <c.import name="menu" />. Write the name of HTML template in attribut name. The value menu will call HTML template file with name "menu.html". It will replace it with the content of called HTML file.


You can call other HTML file by writing <c.partial name="header"></c.import> or <c.partial name="header" />. Cut off any part of your written layout and write it to other HTML file. You can use it when you need to share the same part of a layout to other layout. Write the name of HTML template in attribut name. The value header will call HTML template file with name "header.html". It will replace it with the content of called HTML file.


It will mark the area as widget area. In it process, system will collect all widgets and store it to widget list. It will render widget HTML file when you send the widget information as feedback. To mark area to show it as widget, write <c.widget name="sidebar"></c.widget> or <c.widget name="sidebar" />. Write the widget key in attribut name. It will put the name value to widget list.


By writing <c.config layout="two-columns"></c.config> or <c.config layout="two-columns" /> in view HTML, it will execute layout as it declared. Write the name of HTML template in attribut layout. The value two-columns will call HTML template file with name "two-columns.html".

Configuration Attributes

  • layout, sets layout name for the view.
  • separate-assets, sets the styles and scripts use separation or not.

Special HTML Element attributes


Defines an expression to control visibility of a HTML element. You can define the expression by following this format below.

  • Checks a key exists at global data: var(x)
  • Checks a key doesn't exist at global data: !var(x)
  • Checks a key has value equal to the right operand: var(x) = 1
  • Checks a key has value not equal to the right operand: var(x) != 1
  • Checks a key in an array by exploring its depth: var(x.y.z)
  • Checks a key linking to current data used by current element: var(.x)

Note: x is the key name in data. 1 is a value. You can define it as number or string.

Example Codes

Autoloading and Class Definition (index.php)


use Introvesia\PhpDomView\View;
use Introvesia\PhpDomView\Layout;
use Introvesia\PhpDomView\Config;

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

Set configuration

layout_dir is the directory location to put your HTML layout files. view_dir is the directory location to put yout HTML view files.

  'layout_dir' => __DIR__ . '/layouts',
  'view_dir' => __DIR__ . '/views'

Sample Data for View

$view_data = array(
  'title' => 'People',
  'people' => array(
      'name' => 'Adam Smith',
      'nationality' => 'USA'
      'name' => 'Kenji Yamada',
      'nationality' => 'Japan'
      'name' => 'Surya Wijaya',
      'nationality' => 'Indonesia'

Sample Data for Layout

$layout_data = array(
  'meta_title' => 'My Blog',

Showing Output

$view = new View('index', $view_data);
$layout = new Layout('index', $layout_data);
print $layout->getOutput();

View HTML code (views/index.html)

<h1 c.title></h1>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
<tr c.people>
  <td>This is name column</td>
  <td c.nationality></td>

Layout HTML code (layouts/index.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My Site</title>
  <table cellpadding="20">
      <td valign="top">
      	<c.widget name="sidebar"></c.widget>
      <td valign="top">

Widget HTML code (views/menu.html)

<h3 c.menu_title></h3>
  <li c.links><a href=""></a></li>

Rendering View to Widget

$links = array(
  array('link' => array('Link 1', 'href' => '#first')),
  array('link' => array('Link 2', 'href' => '#second')),
  array('link' => array('Link 3', 'href' => '#third')),

$layout->renderWidget('sidebar', array(
  new View('menu', array(
    'menu_title' => 'My Menu',
    'links' => $links

Defining Expression

By adding attribut c.if to element tr with variable selector c.people, this sample code below will show only people who are not from USA.

<tr c.people c.if="var(.nationality) != USA">

Separating Layout to Partial Layout (layouts/header.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>My Site</title>

Calling Partial Layout

<c.partial name="header"></c.partial>