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Animal Hospital Management System

  • Object Oriented & Design Pattern Lab
  • Ahnaf Shahrear Khan
  • Computer Science & Engineering, University of Rajshahi
  • Code: CSE4122


  • Java

Class Diagram


  • This is a simple Animal Hospital Management System using Object Oriented Concept in Java. We can manage the information of patients & veterinarians through this. We can also assign the patient to a veterinarian, manage their medication information & animal's owner information. We can also manage payment through this. The description of the classes is given below
Class Description
Hospital This class contains the information of the Hospital & works as the main class. We can add patients & doctors from the class. We can manage various functions of patients & doctors from here.
Animal This class contains some basic information about an animal.
Patient This class contains basic information of patient's including owner, payment & medication. This class also performs functions related to patients.
Owner This class contains information about the owner.
Veterinarian This class contains information of veterinarian's & perform related functions.
Medication This class contains information on medication.
Payment This class manages payments

Sample Output