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This is collection of (hopefully) useful classes and mixins for DragonRuby, which have grown out of my own needs and which I'm now putting here in the hopes that it will be helpful to someone else too.

Every file is standalone; simply grab whichever ones are useful to you and drop them into your project (not forgetting to require them into your main.rb!).

Each file has a version number at the top; changes shouldn't ever be breaking, unless it's fixing unintended behaviour that needs to be broken.


After finding myself duplicating code in just about every class I create, I've created these mixins to reduce my typing. They can simply be added to any class by adding include Ahnlak::MixinName to your definition.


Adds r, g, b and a values to a sprite.

Provides a colourable method which takes r, g, b and a values, and an optional speed parameter. Without a speed, the sprites colour values are immediately set. With a speed, the colour is slowly transitioned from the current values to the new ones, over the course of speed frames.

The colourable_array method takes an array of four rbga values, and an optional speed parameter, to perform the same job as colourable.

colourable_sequence takes an array of colour arrays, plus a speed parameter. This will transition from the first colour in the array, through to the second, and so on, each time taking speed frames to move from colour to colour. At the end of the sequence, the colour will be set to the last colour in the provided array.

colourable_cycle does the same job as colourable_sequence, but once the end of the array is reached, the colour sequence cycles back to the beginning.

The colourable_changing? method returns true if there is currently a colour change happening, or false if it is currently stable.

Finally, the colourable_update method must be called every tick, to allow for the colour values to be updated.


Adds serialize, inspect and to_s methods to any class, to aid debugging. This will add a dump of all instance variables, as well as the name of the actual class, whenever DragonRuby hits a problem - also in your own debugging output, simply by using puts to output an instance of your class.

The serializable_without method allows you to specify the name of an instance variable that should not appear in the serialization. This can be useful for classes which maintain a reference to @args, which can be quite huge when serialized.


A collection of useful(?) classes and mixins for DragonRuby







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