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code for Natural Language Processing. (especially Korean.)

only using existing library, not developing any existing algorithm.

1. simple_postag.ipynb

simple code for using Korean POS tagger (KoNLPy)

2. make_Corpus.ipynb

make basic corpus

  • cbt4,5_chatall.csv
    • result : csv file
    • header : ID, corpus
  • cbt5_chatall3000.csv
    • All same, but save only 3000 letters
  • 0_0_type.csv
    • cbt, week, type all corpus

3. labeling_User.ipynb

Labeling user.

4. select_feature.ipynb

Using pos analyzed data, select feature and make BagofWords. Then, Classify.

5. user_tf_idf.ipynb

Calculate tf-idf

6. draw_graph.ipynb

plot scatter graph and box chart.

7. document-clustering.ipynb

do dbscan, sort, join

8. somoclu.ipynb

do Self-Organizing Maps


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