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Repository files navigation

Git is a version control system. This is my first journey to GitHub.

Here are some commands in Git(learn from Liao's wonderful blog):

0.Create Remote Repository

Please first create a new repository on GitHub

0.1 Create a new repository on the command line

$ echo "# <repo>" >>
$ git init
$ git add
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git remote add origin<user>/<repo>.git
$ git push -u origin master

0.2 Push an existing repository from the command line

$ git remote add origin<user>/<repo>.git
$ git push -u origin master

1. Remote Repository & Local Repository

1.1 Clone repository from remote

$ git clone

1.2 Pull changes from remote repo to local repo

$ git pull [remote] [local]

1.3 push changes from local repo to remote repo

$ git push [remote] [local]

1.4set a new repository in current folder

$ git init

2. Repository management

2.1 put changes in Working Directory to Stage in Repository .git

$ git add file

2.2 put changes in Stage to current branch in current Repository .git

$ git commit -m statement

2.3 version fallback

2.3.1 show log of commitment history (back to history)
$ git log
$ git log --pretty=oneline
2.3.2 show log of command history (back to history & future)
$ git reflog
2.3.3 version fallback (HEAD for current repo, HEAD^/HEAD^^/HEAD~100)
$ git reset --hard commit_id

2.4 check difference between Working Directory and Repository

$ git diff HEAD -- file

2.5 undo edit

2.5.1 undo the edit in Working Directory
$ git checkout -- file
2.5.2 push back the changes in Stage to Working Directory(unstage)
$ git reset HEAD file
$ git checkout -- file # and then undo the edit in WD
2.5.3 when you push your repo to remote
$ there is nothing you can do

2.6 delete file

$ rm file
$ git rm/add file

3. Branch Manangement

3.1 All work should be done in dev branch, leaving master branch stable. Teammates merge their own changes to dev branch, and merge dev branch to master branch when necessary.

3.2 list all the branches on show the current branch

$ git branch

3.3 create branch

$ git branch <name>
$ git checkout <name>


$ git checkout -b <name>

3.4 merge branch br to current branch

$ git merge <name> # using mode of "Fast forward", don't save info of branch
$ git merge --no-ff -m [statement] <name> # abandon "Fast forward", create a new commit in merge process and keep the info of branch

3.5 check the merge graph

$ git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

3.6 delete branch

$ git branch -d <name>

3.7 deal with bug branch & use stash to store and hide worksite

$ leave to be done

3.8 deal with feature branch

$ leave to be done

3.9 create remote dev branch to local repo and work on dev branch

$ git checkout -b <name> origin/<name> # create corresponding branch in local repo
$ git branch --set-upstream <name> origin/<name> # build connection between local branch and remote branch
$ git add file
$ git commit -m statement
$ git push origin <name>

3.10 rebase

$ leave to be done

4. Tag

Tag is a snapshoot of repository and immovable pointer to some commit with simpler id, always used for version release

4.1 Create tag

$ git tag <tagname,say"v1.0"> # on the newest commit
$ git tag <tagname> <commit_id> # on specified commit
$ git tag -a <tagname> -m <statement> <commit_id> # create

4.2 Operate tag

$ git tag -d <tagname> # delete tag in local repo
$ git push origin <tagname> # push some tag to remote repo
$ git push origin --tags # push all tags to remote
$ git tag -d <tagname> + git push origin :refs/tags/<tagname> # delete tag in remote repo

5. .gitignore

Please refer to gitignore for various configuration files

# Python

# File
5.1 Principles for ignoring special files:
1) ignore system automatically generated files
2) ignore intermediate and executable files generated during compiling
3) ignore configuration files with sensitive information
5.2 Force add operation
$ git add -f <file>
5.3 Check out the reason for ignoring file
$ git check-ignore -v <file>

6. Customize alias

with '--global' the configuration will work for the current user, otherwise it will only work for the current repository.
The configuration file for each repository is its .git/config, and that for current user is .gitconfig in the user home directory.
$ git config --global status
$ git config --global checkout
$ git config --global commit
$ git config --global branch
$ git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD'
$ git config --global alias.last 'log -1'
$ git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"


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