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CalipsoPlus Backend

The aim of this project is to provide a backend RESTful service for the CalipsoPlus JRA2 Demonstrator application.



This backend is built using the Django and Django REST frameworks, running over Python 3.6 (Python 3.7 and higher should also be supported). You can refer to the documentation of the respective frameworks for more information.

Additionally, this application is configured to use a MySQL database (versions 5.6 and higher are supported). Other database backends are also supported by the Django framework (PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite), but require changes in the settings of the application. Check the relevant Django documentation for further details.

External components

There are several services with which this backend may interact that are not part of this repository.


To connect with the resources (Docker containers, virtual machines...) requisitioned by the application users, this application interfaces with an Apache Guacamole service, which provides VNC or RDP connections through HTTP.

The only settings required in the backend segment is the connection to the database of your Guacamole instance, which will be used to keep track of the active resources and their access credentials (check the Database configuration section).

Local data provider

This application can be configured to retrieve information about the experiments performed in the facility dynamically via a REST API interface from a provider (eg.: a Web User Office application). Check further details in the Dynamic data retrieval section of this document. The interface the provider must implement is documented in the file of this repository.

Local authentication provider

This application is designed to interface via a REST API with an existing authentication service of the facility. Check further details in the Local authentication of this document. As before, the interface the provider must implement is documented in the file of this repository.


In addition to local authentication schemes implemented in each facility, this application is also designed to provide access via the Umbrella federated authentication service. The relevant application settings to enable Umbrella support are detailed in the Umbrella authentication section of this document. (TODO: Reference to documentation and Shibboleth)


(TODO: detail specs, maybe use a table?)

For a minimal deployment of the backend segment of this application, the following resources are required:

  • An application server to host the Django backend (may also host the frontend application).
  • A database server.
  • A server running the Shibboleth identity provider (required to support the Umbrella federated authentication system).
  • A server running an Apache Guacamole service
  • A server to use as host to the docker containers the users may requisition.

Build & Development

The project has been developed in Python using Django Framework and the source code can be found in the Github repository.

The prerequisites for this project is a working installation of Python 3.6+ and pip. The following snippet will clone the repository, set up and enable a Python virtual environment, and install the required dependencies:

mkdir calipsoplus && cd calipsoplus
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
git clone -b develop backend
pip install -r backend/requirements.txt

N.B.: Throughout the rest of this readme, we will assume the virtual environment is activated (you should see "(env)" in your shell of choice).

Database configuration

By default, the application settings are configured to use a MySQL database server, and we need a new schema to manage app's data, with the necessary user and host credentials to manage it. This document will follow default configuration settings.

Create a new database for the application (in mysql shell/IDE):

CREATE DATABASE `calipsoplus`;

And the configuration files for the connections:

# Assuming we are in the level holding the 'logs' and 'backend' folders...
mkdir config && cd config
mkdir database && cd database
vi default.cnf #calipso db
vi guacamole.cnf #guacamole db

Add the following content to the default.cnf file to configure the connection to the application database:

database = calipsoplus
host = localhost
port = 3306
user = *****
password = *****
default-character-set = utf8

Add the following content to the guacamole.cnf file to configure the connection to the Apache Guacamole database:

database = guacamoledb
host = localhost
port = 3306
user = *****
password = *****
default-character-set = utf8

Set default.cnf and guacamole.cnf files as read only

chmod 555 default.cnf guacamole.cnf

Environment configuration files

The base configuration settings for the application are specified in the backend/calipsoplus/ file. You will want to override part or add to these settings depending on your environment (local development, unit testing, integration, production...), to that end we create environment setting files (eg.: that will import the main settings file. You can find some example files in the backend/calipsoplus folder for reference use.

To use a specific settings file, use the --settings=calipsoplus.settings_[env] argument when executing any command.

Note that the .gitignore file of this project is set to ignore any environment setting files (any file matching backend/calipsoplus/settings__*.py), so they will not get committed to the repository.

Secret key

Django uses a variable called "SECRET_KEY" as the basis for its encryption functionality (sessions, cryptographic signing...). This variable should be something long, unique and random. Check the relevant Django documentation for more details.

The base settings of the application are already set up to read this value from a configuration file (in config/secrets/secret_key.cnf).


Navigate to the backend folder. The following command will apply the required migrations to create/update the database schema to the latest version:

python migrate --settings=calipsoplus.settings_[local|test|demo|prod]

External component configuration

This section details the settings that need to be modified in order to properly configure connections to the external components described in the Architecture section.

Local authentication

In the calipsoplus/ file, you can set whether local authentication is allowed or not. Set the "ALLOW_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION" setting to 1 to enable this feature.

The next step to take to configure local authentication is to define the login endpoint. In the calipsoplus/settings_[local|test|demo|prod].py file, find the "BACKEND_UO_LOGIN" setting and replace the URL with the endpoint of your provider. This endpoint must implement the expected REST API as described in the file.

Umbrella authentication

In order to enable support for the Umbrella federated authentication service, set the relevant endpoints of your Shibboleth identity provider in the calipsoplus/settings_[local|test|demo|prod].py file. Two endpoints need to be set: "UMBRELLA_LOGIN" and "UMBRELLA_LOGOUT".

Additionally, an endpoint must be set for a REST service that will authenticate the Umbrella hash against your user records, "BACKEND_UO_HASH". This endpoint must implement the expected REST API as described in the file.

Local resource authorization

If the facility provides local resources to users (virtual machines or desktops, independent of experiments performed in the site), you can control the access to these resources via the "BACKEND_UO_IS_AUTHORIZED" endpoint, defined in the calipsoplus/settings_[local|test|demo|prod].py file. Check the file for details on the implementation of this endpoint.

This endpoint uses HTTP Basic Authentication as an additional security measure, with credentials set as the LOCAL_ACCESS_USERNAME and LOCAL_ACCESS_PASSWORD variables in calipsoplus/ file.

Dynamic data retrieval

This application can be set to dynamically retrieve data of the experiments performed in the site from a REST service. To enable this feature, go to calipsoplus/ and set the "DYNAMIC_EXPERIMENTS_DATA_RETRIEVAL" setting to one.

The endpoint used to retrieve the experiment data is defined in the calipsoplus/settings_[local|test|demo|prod].py file as the "DYNAMIC_EXPERIMENTS_DATA_RETRIEVAL_ENDPOINT" setting. This endpoint must implement the expected REST API as described in the file.

This endpoint uses HTTP Basic Authentication as an additional security measure, with credentials set as the LOCAL_ACCESS_USERNAME and LOCAL_ACCESS_PASSWORD variables in calipsoplus/ file.

Other relevant application settings

Configure resource quotas per user

To configure the resource quotas to which users are limited, modify the relevant settings in the calipsoplus/ file. Currently, you can set the maximum number of containers, and total RAM, CPU, and Storage a user is allowed to requisition.

Set the storage root path

Paths to the datasets of an experiment are built dynamically, but the root path to the storage mounting needs to be defined in the calipsoplus/ file. Use "EXPERIMENTS_DATASETS_ROOT" for datasets that will be mounted in "read-only" mode, and "EXPERIMENTS_OUTPUT" for the results of operations performed in the requisitioned resource.

Set the kubernetes endpoint at calipso_settings


Set the docker daemon endpoint

In order to requisition new docker containers, the application has to communicate with an existing Docker daemon. The endpoints to contact with this service are set in the relevant file (eg.: There are two variables that need to be set:

  • DOCKER_URL_DAEMON: takes the form of "tcp://MACHINE_IP:DOCKER_PORT", where "MACHINE_IP" is the IP of the machine that hosts the Docker daemon and "DOCKER_PORT" is the port the daemon is listening to.
  • REMOTE_MACHINE_IP: the IP of the mchine that hosts the Docker daemon.

The Docker daemon by default is not running on a port, to configure this, edit/create the file: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf

Edit the file so that it looks something like this: [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock

The port 2375 can be substituted for whatever you want but the new value must be set in the as the DOCKER_URL_DAEMON


Once the environment and the database are configured...

python runserver --settings=calipsoplus.settings_local

The service should be available at


The application has its own unit testing settings, which will create a mock database using SQLite and will store it in local memory. This way the testing is faster than using MySQL.

python test --settings=calipsoplus.settings_unittests


Follow the same steps as in the Build & Development section except the Run subsection.

Configure uswgi

Go to uwsgi's directory which contains the apps-available and apps-enabled directories. We will name it UWSGI_DIR.

Create a new .ini file, calipsoPlus.ini in the apps-available folder, an example of the configuration file would be as follows:

socket ={PORT}
stats = /tmp/calipsoplus-stats
touch-reload = {RELOAD_FILE}
processes = 4
threads = 2

Replace the placeholders with the following:

  • PORT: Port to which UWSGI will map the application (you can proxy this later with an Apache frontend)
  • CALIPSO_BACKEND_FOLDER: Folder which contains the file of the backend.
  • VIRTUAL_ENV_FOLDER: Location of the Python virtual environment used for the application.
  • CALIPSO_UWSGI_LOG_LOCATION: Location where you want to save the UWSGI request logs.
  • CALIPSO_UWSGI_PID_FILE: Location where the application PID file will be saved (this is usually UWSGI_DIR/config/pid/
  • RELOAD_FILE: A file UWSGI watches for changes to trigger a hot reload of the application (usually we use the README of the application).
  • ENVIRONMENT_SETTINGS_FILE: The settings file used for this deployment, one of settings_[test|demo|prod] (depending on which environment you are deploying).

Alternative HTTPS-based UWSGI

You can also configure uwsgi to listen on HTTPS, and also provide official certificate/key. This means that your proxy configuration does not need to proxy uWSGI (just a 'normal' HTTP(S)-based proxy) which can reduce complexity depending on your environment.

Here is a live example with no variables, for additional perspective to the previous example:

  • NB: the order of the certificate/key is important; give the path to the certificate before the key. In the above example, the container is configured to provide a 'secrets' directory inside /src.

Once you are sure the values are correct, sym-link it to the apps-enabled folder and restart the UWSGI service.

Configure Apache

Go to Apache's directory which contains the apps-available and apps-enabled directories, we will name it APACHE_DIR. SOURCE_DIR is the folder containing the file.

cd APACHE_DIR/apps-available
cp SOURCE_DIR/calipsoplus/config/apache/calipsoplus-backend.conf .
cd ../apps-enabled
ln -s ../apps-available/calipsoplus-backend.conf XX-calipsoplus-backend.conf

Modify the file as needed to point to the locations and WSGI port of your project. When you are done, reload the configuration files:

sudo service apache2 reload


CalipsoPlus, django backend









  • Python 99.9%
  • HTML 0.1%