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Project Description

Our group OOP assignment to the song NRGQ by !!!.


When running this project, place NRQG into the assets/songs/audio folder.

If the the nrgq.wav.anl file doesn't exist, make sure Python3 is installed and then run

pip install aubio numpy

These are the libraries used for beat detection. To run this code independant of the project, checkout the README in the songs folder.

Also here is a copy of my lib folder - many of these libraries are not used anymore but we haven't had the time to clean it effectively.

The project should be run from the Main file, located in src/ie/engine.

Video Link

Student Number: C20394933 Student Name : Aidan Dowling

How it works:

Every frame in the super.draw(), a currentFrame variable is updated - this is used to sequence the tracks and allow for transitions using maps - the AudioSync's linkedList is used to check if a beat was passed in a previous frame and then updates the variable WasBeat - this allows beats to be handled even if the frame was missed - unlike realtime audio beat detection - it also allows for more complex algorithms to be used in the python file. The "storm" function uses recursion to draw the cubes which allows for the slow spreading out effect to look more natural. A particle system was used to throw entity at the screen and then clean them up after the fact. The circle part at the end is generated by a for loop which is determined by the circleMap variable (maps the circles size to the currentFrame->just before chorus to the width of the screen). Inside this are the different circles modulated by the ever increasing range of its i value.

What I am most proud of in this assignment

My use of linked lists in the audio detection and lyric displaying features. The project loads the information from files in the directory of the audio file, and generates the beat file if missing, using a Python file which generates that file. The LyricLL and LyricSync classes are my personal favourites due to their simplicity but also expandability - I would love to create an editor that allows you to customize each aspect and display where they would be on the screen using a slider etc to speed up creation of something like it in the future. The custom linked list helps as javas garbage collector will remove lyric items as they go - and an ArrayList is used to load which items are to be displayed next - removing relevant ones when their frametime expires.
Also getting each PApplet file to work directly, by passing the graphics objects and surfaces was a fun solution to work out -requiring me to read the source of the file and more thoroughly understanding the inner workings of Processing. Who know PApplet extended PConstants? Certainly makes sense but it explains why my linter kept telling me to use that statically instead of through PApplet's inheretince of it smh.

Student Number: C20381946 Student Name : Matthew Tweedy

How it works:

The draw function is split into two sections. These are the if statement that checks if there was a beat, and the else where most of the objects are drawn. The if (wasBeat) section is mainly used for certain variables that I want to increment to affect the way some of my objects are drawn. For example, I have the number of circles in the background increasing on every beat, up until it reaches 9 and resets to 1. I also have the multiplier of how much these circles react to the beat decrementing depending on how many circles there are currently. Inside the else I am doing most of the drawing. I have a grid of spheres that grow in size based on the volume of the beat, which also have mapped colours in 3 ranges, red, green, and blue that cycle each on beat. Underneath, there is the circles in the background that change colours matching with the spheres and change to an RGB gradient after a certain beat. Finally there are 9 cubes with inner cubes that are translated on the z-axis based on the sin() of an angle that is constantly being increased by 0.02 radians. The inner cubes match the colour cycling of the other objects, while the outer stay white until the prelude to the final beat drop, where they are given random RGB values. By the end, there’s a lot of colour.

What I am most proud of in the assignment:

In this assignment I am most proud of my dancing cubes. They have probably taken the most effort and time configuring due to the set of effects I have them cycling through depending on the section of the song. This was achieved by printing the current frame of the song at each beat, taking the frame value at the correct beat for the drop or change in song and then adjusting the stroke/translate accordingly. The smaller cubes inside are also cycling through red, green, and blue based on the modulo result of how many center circles are currently being drawn. All these problems were fun to tackle individually and see it slowly progress towards my final vision.

Student Number: C20366426 Student Name: Ben O'Brien

For my visual portion of the assignment, I wanted to try creating a wave of colour which surrounded a particular shape, in this case, the shape being a sphere. I wanted to create a visual which would change based on a certain beat that would change the initial ring into a wave. The size of the sphere and the surrounding rings and waves ultimately changed based on the beat of the song.

In order to detect the beat, I used a variable called currentFrame. This variable syncs the frame to each beat and therefore, was able to change the visual depending on the beat I wanted the visual to change at.

The visual also has mouse movements depending on where the cursor currently is. To do this, I used mouseX and mouseY in the camera function.

Part I am most proud of

In my personal opinion, I think the part I am most proud of is creating the visual of the wave. From initially creating a cube moving in a circular motion, I created a wave of cubes in a nested for loop which created the wave visual. I initially created it from trial and error, to try and create a visual in which I was pleased with.

How it works

At the start of my portion is right when the beat drops, the visual detects the beat of the song and syncs the sphere and inner ring together. When the 2nd beat drops for my portion, I used the variable currentFrame to dictate when the visual changes to the next visual. The next visual is the wave of colour that splashes along the screen, still containing the ring aspect, as if it was a vinyl disk at first, which splashes into a wave. I created the wave by recycling some code which I previously used for one visual but altered it to create the wave. In the code, particularly for the draw function, there is a "wasBeat" if state which checks if a certain thing is on the beat. In the "wasBeat" if statement, I used it to measure the frame of the beats. I used this to determine when the main drop of the beat happens. To adjust the size of the sphere, rings and the wave, I created a variable for each visual. Then I used the lerp function and multiplied the volume of each beat by the objects, which as a result, changes the size depending on the beat.

Student Number: C20353533 Student Name : Kamila Krukowska

How it works:

In order to draw the visuals, I wanted to create, I implemented if statements to separate and display the visuals on the current frames. In the first section I have a cube that’s made up of several cubes that change color depending on what frame it is on. The cube spun around by rotating it on the X and Y axis. The cubes also changed in size based on the sin() of a frame Count which was divided 20.0. The second section involves a background of squares that get bigger on the beat using the lerp function giving it an almost Flashing effect. In front of the background there are several circles of different sizes that spin around, after some time these circles change color and spin faster than before. The third section consists of a background of squares and circles. The squares would get bigger with the beat. The circles would also change color and get bigger depending on the frame. In the last section a triangle was displayed along with a grid and more outlined triangles. The outlined triangles rotate, while the gird flashed and changes from white to black. The colors from the main triangle and the outlined one's switch.

What I am most proud of in the assignment:

In this assignment I am most my section 4, i was originally having slight issues with placment of the verious triangles and how i was going to rotate them. i meant to spin them in their position, however after a while of working that i figured out a diffrent way to rotate them which i liked more. All in all i found this visual pleasing which is why im proud of it.


Our end of year group OOP project.








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