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Workflow Documentation

Aiden Bai edited this page May 28, 2021 · 14 revisions

Lucia is written in TypeScript and should be run in a browser environment. We highly recommend you use VSCode as your IDE when developing.

Yarn Scripts

  • dev - This script creates a dev directory and creates a development server using Vite (--fresh flag regenerates dev files)
  • build - This script builds the codebase into a iife, cjs, and esm format distribution bundles using Rollup
  • lint - This script uses ESLint to lint the codebase
  • cleanup - This script uses Prettier to format the codebase
  • test - This script runs unit tests (specified under __test__ folders) using Jest
  • release - This script runs the aforementioned scripts and publishes the project on NPM

Note: other scripts are NPM lifecycle hooks and should not be run manually


Running yarn dev generates a dev directory with index.html, style.css, script.js and runs a development server at localhost:3000.


Ensure that you write jest unit tests so that the end coverage is >95%. Use /* istanbul ignore next */ when areas are unreasonable to test and have proven to work at a fundamental level.


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