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API : Views

Damien BUTY edited this page May 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Aido view templates are written using the Pug templating language, and then converted to Slack attachments using html2slack. For information on supported HTML tags, and how they translate into Slack attachments, please refer to the html2slack documentation.

If you're not a fan of Pug, you can write plain HTML and just use pug's syntax for loops, conditions, variable interpolation etc...

Local scope

The pug template is rendered using the current instance of the Slash commands as scope ("locals"), giving you access to the state, trigger and user informations, etc... You can also use methods present on the class.

    p User always contains the user's Slack ID : #{user.slackId}
    p You can use methods on the Slash class : #{capitalize('hello world')}
    p And access the state directly : #{state.score}
class App extends Slash {
  // ...
  capitalize(text) {
    return text.toUpperCase()
  // ...

Interactive components


Buttons are identified by their name attribute. When a user clicks a button, the corresponding method in the Slash class is executed. You can additionally provide a value, which will be passed as an argument to the method. The value can be a string or a javascript object.

    button(name="doSomething") Without argument
    button(name="doOtherThing" value={ name: 'Jack' }) With argument
class App extends Slash {
  // ...
  doSomething() {
    // No argument provided
  doOtherThing(arg) {
  // ...

View buttons

Sometimes you just need a button that directs the user to a different view, without affecting the state. Aido provides you with a convenience syntax for these situations :

    # This button will redirect the user to the `otherView` view
    button(name="view" value="otherView") Redirect


Dialogs are modal windows you can send to the user on their Slack client. They can contain rather advanced forms consisting of different types of inputs.

Forms are identified by their action attribute, and the inputs are identified by their name. The content of the inputs is passed as an argument to the corresponding method on the Slash class. Please refer to the html2slack documentation for complete field reference.

      header My form
        label A text input
          input(type="text" name="textInput")
        label A select
            option(value="foo") Foo
            option(value="bar") Bar
            option(value="baz") Baz
        input(type="submit" value="Enregistrer")
class App extends Slash {
  // ...
  save(arg) {
  // ...

Custom templaters

If you'd like to code your views totally differently, you can pass a custom templater on aido initialization. If your custom templater outputs HTML, you can use next to send it through html2slack for conversion. Below is the commented code for the default Pug templater :

 * Renders a pug view and converts it with html2slack
 * @param {Object}   view           - An aido view
 * @param {String}      - The name of the view
 * @param {Boolean}  view.modal     - True if the view should be rendered as a Slack Dialog
 * @param {String}   view.template  - The view template in Pug
 * @param {Object}   locals         - The current Slash instance is used as context for rendering the view
 * @param {Object}   locals.state   - The state of the session with the current user
 * @param {Function} next           - This simply sends the templated HTML through html2slack
 * @returns {Object}
async function pugTemplater(view, locals, next) {
  const templatedHtml = pug.render(view.template ,locals)
  return next(templatedHtml)

// We pass our custom templater when initializing our aido application
aido.init({ template: pugTemplater })