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Habit tracker

Data Base

In this project a PostgreSQL data base is applied. In order to start data base from docker container it is required to download a PostgreSQL docker image with the command:

docker pull postgres

To start the data base run the command:

docker run --name=habbit-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='qwerty' -p 5432:5432 -d --rm postgres

To create migration files run the command:

migrate create -ext sql -dir ./migrations -seq init

To make migration via the migration file run the command:

migrate -path ./migrations -database 'postgres://postgres:qwerty@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable' up

To delete tables from the data base run the command:

migrate -path ./migrations -database 'postgres://postgres:qwerty@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable' down

To enter the data base run the command:

docker exec -it 0b3c8bef7b3d /bin/bash

Then inside the postgres docker container run the command:

psql -U postgres

Inside the postgres environment, to check all the tables run the command:


In case of errors with migration and db becomes dirty, enter the data base and do the next:

select * from schema_migrations;
update schema_migrations set dirty =false where version=XXXX;

To start the docker compose for the first time run the command:

docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yml up --build habit-tracker

When docker containers are built run the command without --build flag:

docker-compose -f build/docker-compose.yml up habit-tracker

To run the telegram-bot service run the command:

./tg-bot-habit -tg-bot-token 'token'

The project is tested with unit testing and mocks

If the code logic is changed and test mocks and test funcs need to be updated accordingly, do the following:

Mock service

In order to generate the service layer mock do the following:

  1. Open the project in the terminal

  2. Go to directory of the service layer

  3. Run the command:

go generate

This command will regenerate the mock service

  1. Check if the unit tests needs to be updated accordning to updated logic


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