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Branch descriptions

Alexander Goscinski edited this page May 6, 2024 · 21 revisions

AiiDA adopts the gitflow branching model and uses the following main branches:

  • develop: contains the latest development version of the code (the default branch when cloning the repository). Contributors should make pull requests for new features, documentation improvements and bug fixes to this branch.

  • master: points to the latest stable release tag, e.g. v1.0.1. Only updated by maintainers.

  • release/1.0.0: release branch for the next stable release, e.g. v1.1.0. Only updated by maintainers.

  • support/1.0.x: support branch for the last version series of aiida-core to support python 2. In accordance with AEP001 critical bug fixes will be released on this branch until July 2020.

  • support/0.12.x: branch for bug fixes for earlier AiiDA versions, e.g. v0.12.x. Pull requests with bug fixes for aiida-core v0.12.x should be made to this branch.