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Docker Hub License: MIT

Code for NextLevelBERT: Masked Language Modeling with Higher-Level Representations for Long Documents.

Using the Model for Inference

We provide model checkpoints for all NextLevelBERT versions with the MiniLM-L6 encoder via the huggingface hub. Please keep in mind that not all chunking settings resulted in competitive performance. We recommend to use the 256er or the sentence-boundary-based (0) versions, depending on your use case. Furthermore, these models have only been trained and tested on narrative data, and using them on other domains can lead to worse performance.


We have provided example code for how to load and use the model. You can find it in


It's recommended to use mamba to manage dependencies. mamba is a drop-in replacement for conda re-written in C++ to speed things up significantly (you can also stick with conda though). To provide reproducible environments, we use conda-lock to generate lockfiles for each platform.

This code repository is based on the NLP Research Template. More details on setting up mamba and conda-lock can be found there.

Training your own Next-Level Model


For a fully reproducible environment and running on HPC clusters, we provide pre-built docker images at We also provide a Dockerfile that allows you to build new docker images with updated dependencies:

docker build --tag <username>/<imagename>:<tag> --platform=linux/<amd64/ppc64le> .

Start the docker container

You can activate the environment by running

bash scripts/

which will start a docker container in an interactive session. Before you can start successfully, you have to adapt the GPU devices and dataset mount paths in scripts/

We are using Weights & Biases. To enable W&B, enter your WANDB_ENTITY and WANDB_PROJECT in dlib/frameworks/


To pretrain the model, the pretraining data first has to be preprocessed separately. You can run this via:

bash scripts/

This processes the data with the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 sentence-transformers model, with a chunk size of 256 and an encoder model batch size of 4096. We cannot provide the books3 dataset we used for pretraining and it was taken off most easily accessible platforms like the huggingface hub due to license controversy. If you don't have a version of the dataset available you can try substituting it by other book-based data, e.g., project Gutenberg. We have not tested data with more short-ranged depencencies from other text domains, but it might also work. If you try it out, we would love to hear about your results.


To start Next-Level pretraining, run:

bash scripts/

This will load the NextLevelBERT model class from src/ which is different from the one used for inference in the code (which uses src/ The implementation in src/ is optimized for efficiency but expects the training data to already be fully encoded into embeddings and available on-disk.

Downstream Evaluation

Once you have pretrained your own model you can evaluate it on the three downstream datasets. First run preprocessing for the downstream dataset you want. You can edit the dataset in the script file.

bash scripts/

Then run fine-tuning and evaluation by:

bash scripts/

Note that the quality dataset needs to be downloaded first. (See scripts/ The BookSum dataset is used for zero-shot embedding quality evaluation and is not fine-tuned on.


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