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granny edited this page May 24, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Timings wiki page!

Video Tutorial

If you'd like to see a video tutorial of how to read timings, click on the image below:

Youtube Thumbnail

If you'd like to read what Aikar says while watching the video, enable the subtitles or open the transcript.

Important timestamps (courtesy of griffin4cats in the youtube comments):

  • 0:00-6:04
    Problems with Timings v1, and some basics about how Timings works. If you're familiar with Timings, you can skip this.
  • 6:05 and onwards is Timings v2
  • 6:05-10:26
    probably the most important thing for understanding how to identify server lag using Timings v2.
  • 12:40
    How you can have TPS loss even if you have 20 TPS, as well as an important difference between v1 and v2.
  • 16:30
    Moment of explanation for what Lag View is versus All View. However, to understand this in context, you should start listening around 12:40.

Text Tutorial

This is just a summarized version of the transcript from the video above. It's still recommended to watch the whole video to get a full grasp of how to read timings reports.

Introduction 0:00-0:35

Problems with Timings v1 0:35-6:04

How to identify lag 6:05-10:26

How you can have TPS loss even if you have 20 TPS 12:40

Lag View vs All View 12:40