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One Word, Two Sides ⚖️

This repository contains data and code for the papers:

Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau and Chloé Clavel (2022). One Word, Two Sides: Traces of Stance in Contextualized Word Representations. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Gyeongju, Korea, October 12-17

Aina Garí Soler, Matthieu Labeau and Chloé Clavel (2023). Un mot, deux facettes : traces des opinions dans les représentations contextualisées des mots. Actes de la 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Paris, France, June 5-9

(Disclaimer: please forgive redundancy, at earlier stages of the project it made sense to organize information a certain way, later on I built upon the already-written code and didn't have time to focus on improving that :))


Semcor Data

  • The directory in contains:
    • a global_info.csv file with the Jensen Shannon Divergence (JSD) information. For each lemma, we have the JSD for each data size X (e.g. s_JSD_X3 is the Jensen Shannon Divergence of a lemma when using three sentences per side). s_T1_X3 and s_T2_X3 are the sense distributions that were used to calculate s_JSD_X3. T1 and T2 are the sentence sets (P and Q).

    • the data extracted from Semcor (described in Section 2.3 and Appendix B) organized by lemma. Inside of each lemma folder there are two files. For example, for the lemma accept_v, we have:

      • accept_v_sentences.csv: extracted sentences containing this lemma, one per line. They are already tokenized (.split() is enough).
      • accept_v_info.csv: This file contains additional information about each sentence in the previous file. position is the index of the target word in the sentence (respecting its original tokenization). lexsn, wnsn and supersense are sense information from WordNet (JSD was calculated based on lexsn). Values in columns X25, X3... indicate whether, in this X-sized subset, the instance belongs to set P (1), Q (2) or whether it is excluded (0). index indicates the line in the _sentences.csv file that an instance corresponds to, starting at line 0.

When extracting vector representations for Semcor data, these will be saved in this directory (more information below).

  • The directory semcor_predictions contains the similarity predictions made by all the embeddings tested on Semcor data (Sections 2.3, 2.4). Each folder corresponds to a representation type, and contains a cosine.csv file. This file has the cosine similarities for every lemma and each X.

Stance Data

  • The stance datasets should be placed, once downloaded, in the Data folder.

  • The directory inside of will contain the datasets already split by sentence sets. Here we only include an example (stance_alignment_data/30k/Homeschooling should be banned%30k/), but the directory can be populated using the script (see Code section). There will be one folder per stance dataset (30k refers to the BM-ArgQ-Rank-30kArgs dataset, ArgQ in the paper). Inside a stance dataset folder, each directory will correspond to a different target in this dataset (e.g. face_masks%covid19). Inside, we find the P_f, P_a, Q_f and Q_a sentence sets, called, respectively, FAVOR-1, AGAINST-1, FAVOR-2, AGAINST-2. They contain the sentences organized by lemma. Inside a lemma folder (e.g. agree_VERB) we will find two files:

    • sentences.txt: containing one sentence per line, already tokenized (.split() is enough).
    • info.txt containing additional information about each sentence in json format. Each element corresponds to one sentence.


Semcor experiments

How to extract the Semcor data

  • Use the script. You will need to download the semcor corpus through nltk. By default, the data will be saved in the directory semcor_representations.

Obtaining representations for the Semcor data

  • to obtain context2vec or BERT representations (--vector_type c2v/bert) for semcor data. Representations will be saved in the same directory where the dataset is found (the unzipped semcor_representations/). For context2vec, you should download the contents of the context2vec repository and place them in a folder called context2vec. You have to provide the path to context2vec model parameters with the argument c2v_filename.
  • To obtain À la Carte embeddings, you should place the contents of the ALC repository in a folder called ALC. Include in this folder our script ALC/ You can obtain these embeddings from the ALC directory with the following command: python --source [path to GloVe embeddings] --matrix [path to transform matrix in ALC/transform/] --embeddings_name 840B.300d --lower --corpus_dir ../semcor_representations/ --create-new.

Making predictions and evaluating

  • Use the script to calculate cosine similarities in semcor with the embeddings calculated as described above. Use the argument vector_type to specify the embedding type (bert, c2v or ALC). If choosing ALC, provide the embedding size with --vector_size (e.g. 840B.300d). Results will be saved in the semcor_predictions directory.

  • Plots of the results can be created with the notebook semcor_evaluation.ipynb.

Stance experiments

Splitting stance datasets into sentence sets

First, you must download the stance datasets and unzip them in the Data/ directory.

  • The script serves to split a stance dataset into sentence sets. Indicate the name of the dataset (semeval2016, covid19, pstance, 30k) with the --dataset_name argument (if needed, paths to the datasets can be modified in the script: read_IBM_dataset() / read_twitter_dataset() ). The data split into sentences will be saved in stance_split_data. Sentences will be saved in a different format (used for tf-idf calculation) in dialign_data.
  • To calculate tf-idf information, use the script after having run Again, you can indicate the name of the dataset with the --dataset_name argument. Tf-idf values will be saved in the dialign_data folder.
  • Once the data has been split into sentence sets, BERT contextualized word representations of words in the stance datasets can be extracted with this script. Indicate the dataset with dataset_name. They are saved in stance_split_data/.

Calculating similarities

  • Once representations have been extracted, similarities can be calculated with this script. By default it is calculated on all datasets but you can change that with --dataset_name. Indicate the vocabulary VPQ (Section 2.4) to be used with --vocab_for_sim (all, tfidf_10, reversetfidf_10). Indicate the BERT layer to be used with --layer.


If you use the code in this repository, please cite our paper:

    title = "One Word, Two Sides: Traces of Stance in Contextualized Word Representations",
    author = "Gar{\'\i} Soler, Aina  and
      Labeau, Matthieu  and
      Clavel, Chlo{\'e}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics",
    month = oct,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Gyeongju, Republic of Korea",
    publisher = "International Committee on Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "3950--3959",


For any questions or requests feel free to contact me: aina dot garisoler at telecom-paris dot fr


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