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Lets create simple aiohttp application, and see how aiomonitor can integrate with it.

Basic aiohttp server

import asyncio

import aiomonitor
from aiohttp import web

# A simple handler that returns response after 100s
async def simple(request):
    print("Start sleeping")
    await asyncio.sleep(100)
    return web.Response(text="Simple answer")

async def main():
   # create application and register route create route
   app = web.Application()
   app.router.add_get("/simple", simple)

   # init monitor just before run_app
   loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
   with aiomonitor.start_monitor(loop, hook_task_factory=True):
       await web._run_app(app, port=8090, host="localhost")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Lets save this code in file, so we can run it with command:

$ python
======== Running on http://localhost:8090 ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)

Connection over telnet

And now it is possible to connect to the running application from separate terminal, by execution nc command, immediately aiomonitor will respond with prompt:

$ telnet localhost 20101
Asyncio Monitor: 1 tasks running
Type help for commands
monitor >>>

aiomonitor packaged with own telnet client, just in case you do not have telnet client in the host:

$ python -m aiomonitor.cli
Asyncio Monitor: 1 tasks running
Type help for commands
monitor >>>

Once connection established, one can type commands, for instance help:

monitor >>> help
Usage: help [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  To see the usage of each command, run them with "--help" option.

  cancel (ca)             Cancel an indicated task
  console                 Switch to async Python REPL
  exit (q,quit)           Leave the monitor client session
  help (?,h)              Show the list of commands
  ps (p)                  Show task table
  ps-terminated (pst,pt)  List recently terminated/cancelled tasks
  signal                  Send a Unix signal
  stacktrace (st,stack)   Print a stack trace from the event loop thread
  where (w)               Show stack frames and the task creation chain of a task
  where-terminated (wt)   Show stack frames and the termination/cancellation chain of a task

Additional commands can be added by defining a Click command function injected into :ref:`the monitor CLI <monitor-cli>`, see below :ref:`cust-commands`.

.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0

   As of 0.5.0, you must use a telnet client that implements the actual telnet
   protocol. Previously a simple socket-to-console redirector like ``nc``
   worked, but now it requires explicit negotiation of the terminal type to
   provide advanced terminal features including auto-completion of commands.

Python REPL

aiomonitor supports also async python console inside running event loop so you can explore state of your application:

monitor >>> console
Python 3.11.7 (main, Dec  9 2023, 21:41:50) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
This console is running in an asyncio event loop.
It allows you to wait for coroutines using the 'await' syntax.
Try: await asyncio.sleep(1, result=3)

Now you may execute regular function as well as coroutines by adding await keyword:

>>> import aiohttp
>>> session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
>>> resp = await session.get('')
>>> resp.status
>>> data = await
>>> len(data)

To leave console type exit():

>>> exit()
monitor >>>

Expose Local Variables in Python REPL

Local variables can be exposed in Python REPL by passing additional locals dictionary with mapping variable name in console to the value.

locals = {"foo": "bar"}
with aiomonitor.start_monitor(loop, locals=locals):
    web.run_app(app, port=20101, host='')

As result variable foo available in console:

monitor >>> console
>>> foo
>>> exit()
monitor >>>

Web-based Inspector

You may also open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:20102 . This will show a web-based UI to inspect the currently running tasks and terminated tasks, including their recursive stack traces. You can also cancel specific tasks there.

To see the recursive task creation and termination history, you should pass hook_task_factory=True to the start_monitor() function.

Adding custom commands

By defining a new :func:`Click command <click.command>` on :ref:`the monitor CLI <monitor-cli>`, we can add our own commands to the telnet REPL. Use the standard :func:`click.echo()` to print something in the telnet console. You may also add additional arguments and options just like a normal Click application.

import aiohttp
import click
import requests
from aiomonitor.termui.commands import (

@click.argument("name", optional=True)
@auto_command_done  # sync version
def do_hello(ctx: click.Context, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    """An example command to say hello to another HTTP server."""
    name = "unknown" if name is None else name
    r = requests.get("" + name)
    click.echo(r.text + "\n")

@click.argument("name", optional=True)
@auto_async_command_done  # async version
async def do_async_hello(ctx: click.Context, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    """An example command to asynchronously say hello to another HTTP server."""
    name = "unknown" if name is None else name
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
        async with sess.get("" + name) as resp:
            click.echo(await resp.text())

This custom command will be able to do anything you could do in the python REPL, so you can add custom shortcuts here, that would be tedious to do manually in the console.

auto_command_done or auto_async_command_done is requried to ensure that the command function notifies its completion to the telnet's main loop coroutine.

custom_help_option is required to provide a --help option to your command that is compatible with completion notification like above.

By using the "locals" argument to start_monitor you can give any of your commands access to anything they might need to do their jobs by accessing them via ctx.obj.console_locals in the command function.