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Handlers are classes which can implement :ref:`hook methods <hooks>` that get called at various points in the SMTP dialog.

Handlers can also be named on the :ref:`command line <cli>`, but if the class's constructor takes arguments, you must define a @classmethod that converts the positional arguments and returns a handler instance:

.. py:classmethod:: from_cli(cls, parser, *args)

    Convert the positional arguments, as strings passed in on the command
    line, into a handler instance.

    :boldital:`parser` is the
    :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` instance in use.

    If this method does not recognize the positional arguments passed in ``parser``,
    it can *optionally* call :meth:`parser.error <argparse.ArgumentParser.error>`
    with the error message.

If from_cli() is not defined, the handler can still be used on the command line, but its constructor cannot accept arguments.

Handler Hooks

Handlers can implement hooks that get called during the SMTP dialog, or in exceptional cases. These handler hooks are ALL called asynchronously (i.e. they are coroutines).

All handler hooks are optional and default behaviors are carried out by the :class:`SMTP` class when a hook is omitted, so you only need to implement the ones you care about.

When a handler hook is defined, it may have additional responsibilities as described below.

Common Arguments

All handler hooks will be called with at least three arguments:

.. py:attribute:: server
   :type: SMTP

   The ``SMTP`` server instance

.. py:attribute:: session
   :type: Session

   The :ref:`session instance <sessions_and_envelopes>` currently being handled, and

.. py:attribute:: envelope
   :type: Envelope

   The :ref:`envelope instance <sessions_and_envelopes>` of the current SMTP Transaction

Some handler hooks will receive additional arguments.

Supported Hooks

The following hooks are currently supported (in alphabetical order):

.. py:method:: handle_AUTH(server, session, envelope, args)

   Called to handle ``AUTH`` command if you need custom AUTH behavior.

   For more information, please read the documentation for :ref:`auth`.

.. py:method:: handle_DATA(server, session, envelope) -> str

   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``DATA`` after the entire message (`"SMTP content"
   <>`_ as described in
   RFC 5321) has been received.

   The content is available in ``envelope.original_content`` as type ``bytes``,
   normalized according to the transparency rules
   as defined in :rfc:`RFC 5321, §4.5.2 <5321#section-4.5.2>`.

   In addition, the ``envelope.content`` attribute will also contain the contents;
   the type depends on whether :class:`~aiosmtpd.smtp.SMTP` was instantiated with
   ``decode_data=False`` or ``decode_data=True``.
   See :attr:`Envelope.content` for more info.

.. py:method:: handle_EHLO(server, session, envelope, hostname, responses) -> List[str]

   :param hostname: The host name given by the client in the ``EHLO`` command
   :type hostname: str
   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   This hook is called during ``EHLO``.

   This hook may push *additional* ``250-<command>`` responses to the client by doing
   ``await server.push(status)`` before returning ``"250 HELP"`` as the final response.

    .. important::

        If the handler sets the ``session.host_name`` attribute to a false-y value
        (or leave it as the default ``None`` value)
        it will signal later steps that ``HELO`` failed
        and need to be performed again.

        This also applies to the :meth:`handle_EHLO` hook below.

   .. deprecated:: 1.3

      Use the :meth:`5-argument form <handle_EHLO>` instead.
      Support for the 4-argument form **will be removed in version 2.0**

.. py:method:: handle_EHLO(server, session, envelope, hostname, responses) -> List[str]

   :param hostname: The host name given by the client in the ``EHLO`` command
   :type hostname: str
   :param responses: The 'planned' responses to the ``EHLO`` command
      *including* the last ``250 HELP`` response.
   :type responses: List[str]
   :return: List of response messages to be sent to the client

   Called during ``EHLO``.

   The hook MUST return a list containing the desired responses.
   The returned list should end with ``250 HELP``

   This hook MUST also set the :attr:``session.host_name`` attribute.

   .. important::

      It is strongly recommended to not change element ``[0]`` of the list
      (containing the hostname of the SMTP server).

.. py:method:: handle_HELO(server, session, envelope, hostname) -> str

   :param hostname: The host name given by client during ``HELO``
   :type hostname: str
   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   This hook is called during ``HELO``.

   If implemented,
   this hook MUST also set the :attr:``session.host_name`` attribute
   before returning ``'250 {}'.format(server.hostname)`` as the status.

.. py:method:: handle_MAIL(server, session, envelope, address, mail_options) -> str

   :param address: The parsed email address given by the client in the ``MAIL FROM`` command
   :type address: str
   :param mail_options: Additional ESMTP MAIL options provided by the client
   :type mail_options: List[str]
   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``MAIL FROM``.

   If implemented,
   this hook MUST also set the :attr:`envelope.mail_from` attribute
   and it MAY extend :attr:`envelope.mail_options` (which is always a Python list).

.. py:method:: handle_NOOP(server, session, envelope, arg) -> str

   :param arg: All characters following the ``NOOP`` command
   :type arg: str
   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``NOOP``.

.. method:: handle_PROXY(server, session, envelope, proxy_data)

   :param SMTP server: The :class:`SMTP` instance invoking the hook.
   :param Session session: The Session data *so far* (see Important note below)
   :param Envelope envelope: The Envelope data *so far* (see Important note below)
   :param ProxyData proxy_data: The result of parsing the PROXY Header
   :return: Truthy or Falsey, indicating if the connection may continue or not, respectively

   Called during PROXY Protocol Handshake.

   See :ref:`ProxyProtocol` for more information.

.. py:method:: handle_QUIT(server, session, envelope) -> str

   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``QUIT``.

.. py:method:: handle_RCPT(server, session, envelope, address, rcpt_options) -> str

   :param address: The parsed email address given by the client in the ``RCPT TO`` command
   :type address: str
   :param rcpt_options: Additional ESMTP RCPT options provided by the client
   :type rcpt_options: List[str]
   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``RCPT TO``.

   If implemented,
   this hook SHOULD append the address to ``envelope.rcpt_tos``
   and it MAY extend ``envelope.rcpt_options`` (both of which are always Python lists).

.. py:method:: handle_RSET(server, session, envelope) -> str

   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``RSET``.

.. py:method:: handle_VRFY(server, session, envelope, address) -> str

   :param address: The parsed email address given by the client in the ``VRFY`` command
   :type address: str
   :return: Response message to be sent to the client

   Called during ``VRFY``.

In addition to the SMTP command hooks, the following hooks can also be implemented by handlers. These have different APIs, and are called synchronously (i.e. they are not coroutines).

.. py:method:: handle_STARTTLS(server, session, envelope)

    If implemented, and if SSL is supported, this method gets called
    during the TLS handshake phase of ``connection_made()``.  It should return
    True if the handshake succeeded, and False otherwise.

.. py:method:: handle_exception(error)

    If implemented, this method is called when any error occurs during the
    handling of a connection (e.g. if an ``smtp_<command>()`` method raises an
    exception).  The exception object is passed in.  This method *must* return
    a status string, such as ``'542 Internal server error'``.  If the method
    returns ``None`` or raises an exception, an exception will be logged, and a
    ``451`` code will be returned to the client.

    .. important::

        If client connection is lost, this handler will NOT be called.

Built-in handlers

The following built-in handlers can be imported from :mod:`aiosmtpd.handlers`:

.. py:module:: aiosmtpd.handlers

.. py:class:: AsyncMessage

   A subclass of the :class:`~aiosmtpd.handlers.Message` handler,
   it is also an :term:`abstract base class` (it must be subclassed).

   The only difference with :class:`Message` is that
   :func:`handle_message()` is called *asynchronously*.

   This class **cannot** be used on the command line.

.. py:class:: Debugging

   This class prints the contents of the received messages to a given output stream.
   Programmatically, you can pass the stream to print to into the constructor.

   When specified on the command line,
   the (optional) positional argument
   must either be the string ``stdout`` or ``stderr``
   indicating which stream to use.

      aiosmtpd -c aiosmtpd.handlers.Debugging
      aiosmtpd -c aiosmtpd.handlers.Debugging stderr
      aiosmtpd -c aiosmtpd.handlers.Debugging stdout

.. py:class:: Mailbox

   A subclass of the :class:`~aiosmtpd.handlers.Message` handler
   which adds the messages to a :class:`~mailbox.Maildir`.
   See :ref:`mailboxhandler` for details.

   When specified on the command line,
   it accepts *exactly* one positional argument which is
   the ``maildir`` (i.e, directory where email messages will be stored.)

      aiosmtpd -c aiosmtpd.handlers.Mailbox /home/myhome/Maildir

.. py:class:: Message

   This class is an :term:`abstract base class` (it must be subclassed)
   which converts the message content into a message instance.
   The class used to create these instances can be passed to the constructor,
   and defaults to :class:`email.message.Message`

   This message instance gains a few additional headers
   (e.g. :mailheader:`X-Peer`, :mailheader:`X-MailFrom`, and :mailheader:`X-RcptTo`).
   You can override this behavior by overriding the :func:`prepare_message` method,
   which takes a session and an envelope.
   The message instance is then passed to the handler's :func:`handle_message()` method.
   It is this method that must be implemented in the subclass.

   :func:`prepare_message()` and :func:`handle_message()`` are both called :boldital:`synchronously`.

   This class **cannot** be used on the command line.

.. py:class:: Proxy

   This class is a relatively simple SMTP proxy;
   it forwards messages to a remote host and port.
   The constructor takes the host name and port as positional arguments.

   This class **cannot** be used on the command line.

   .. important::

      Do not confuse this class with `the PROXY Protocol`_;
      they are two totally different things.

.. py:class:: Sink

   This class just consumes and discards messages.
   It's essentially the "no op" handler.

   It can be used on the command line, but accepts no positional arguments.

      aiosmtpd -c aiosmtpd.handlers.Sink

The Mailbox Handler

A convenient handler is the Mailbox handler, which stores incoming messages into a maildir.

To try it, let's first prepare an :class:`~contextlib.ExitStack` to automatically clean up after we finish:

>>> from contextlib import ExitStack
>>> from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
>>> # Clean up the temporary directory at the end
>>> resources = ExitStack()
>>> tempdir = resources.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())

Then, prepare the controller:

>>> import os
>>> from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller
>>> from aiosmtpd.handlers import Mailbox
>>> #
>>> maildir_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'maildir')
>>> controller = Controller(Mailbox(maildir_path))
>>> controller.start()
>>> # Arrange for the controller to be stopped at the end
>>> ignore = resources.callback(controller.stop)

Now we can connect to the server and send it a message...

>>> from smtplib import SMTP
>>> client = SMTP(controller.hostname, controller.port)
>>> client.sendmail('', [''], """\
... From: Anne Person <>
... To: Bart Person <>
... Subject: A test
... Message-ID: <ant>
... Hi Bart, this is Anne.
... """)

...and a second message...

>>> client.sendmail('', [''], """\
... From: Cate Person <>
... To: Dave Person <>
... Subject: A test
... Message-ID: <bee>
... Hi Dave, this is Cate.
... """)

...and a third message.

>>> client.sendmail('', [''], """\
... From: Elle Person <>
... To: Fred Person <>
... Subject: A test
... Message-ID: <cat>
... Hi Fred, this is Elle.
... """)

We open up the mailbox again, and all three messages are waiting for us.

>>> from mailbox import Maildir
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> mailbox = Maildir(maildir_path)
>>> messages = sorted(mailbox, key=itemgetter('message-id'))
>>> for message in messages:
...     print(message['Message-ID'], message['From'], message['To'])
<ant> Anne Person <> Bart Person <>
<bee> Cate Person <> Dave Person <>
<cat> Elle Person <> Fred Person <>

Cleanup when we're done.

>>> resources.close()