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Audit Service

Aishwarya Vijay Sinhasane edited this page Feb 4, 2022 · 5 revisions


This microservice is used to keep track of the audit data of users.


Here database used is the PostgreSQL database. So we need to do setup for the database as below.

Install Postgres 11.6

  • psql postgres
  • create database audit_service_test;
  • create user audit_service_test with encrypted password 'audit_service_test';
  • grant all privileges on database audit_service_test to audit_service_test;

How to Run Application

  1. Install npm of version 6.4.1
  2. npm -v
  3. Install node v10
  4. node -v
  5. npm install
  6. npm run db:all:migrate
  7. npm start
  8. Create migration
    • sequelize migration:generate --name [migraton-name]

Service port

Port - 5001

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