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Using a database other than mongoose

Aaron Pettengill edited this page Jan 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

If you're not using mongoose there's no problem. express-reuse makes it easy to drop in a custom database access module. If you already have a database module to use, you simply:

expressReuse.useDatabase( /* your database module */ )

Note: useDatabase checks for compatibility with pre-made strategies. If you're not using any pre-made strategies and want to completely change the structure of the database module, then you need to use:

  database: /* your database module */

Creating a custom database module

Chances are, nobody has written a database module for you. You can, of course, pass any old object into useModule but your app may crash horribly. In order to make your module compatible with pre-made strategies you need 3 primary functions (and 1 optional one).

  async getUser     (selection, projection = []) {},
  async newUser     (userData)                   {},
  async updateUser  (user)                       {},

  init(options) {}

And on top of that you can add whatever you want. For example: the default database module has a userModel property that it initializes with a mongoose model from the options object.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each function:

async getUser ( selection, projection = [] )

selection is an object that contains the fields we want to find a matching user for.

projection is an array of strings that contains the fields that are being requested.

returns a javascript object containing the user information. Must contain at least an id and the fields specified in projection

In this example code, we want to query the database for a user who has the email "" and we want to know the emailConfirmed and password fields of that user.

var selection = {email: ""}
var projection = ["emailConfirmed", "password"]
var user = await database.getUser(selection, projection)

The user object should now look like this:

  id: /*user id*/,
  emailConfirmed: /*true or false */,
  password: /* hashed password */

async newUser (userData)

userData is an object containing the user information to save new user with.

returns the user. Needs to at least contain an id field.

var userData = {
  email: "",
  password: /* password hash */
var user = database.newUser(userData)

user should at least look like

  id: 'user id'

async updateUser (user)

user is an object that was returned from getUser, but with changes made that need to be saved.

returns the newly updated user info

var user = database.getUser(selection, projection) = ""
var updatedUser = database.updateUser(user)

init ( options )

Having an init function is optional. options is the options object that gets passed to express-reuse.

app.use("/auth", expressReuse({
  //This object is the options object that get's passed to init