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New New News

About The Project

This app provides an API that serves as a backend service. It in similar to a real-world application such as Reddit. The aim is to facilitate programmatic access to application data, providing a backend solution for front-end architectures.

API Endpoints

General Endpoints

  • GET /api: Provides a comprehensive list of all available endpoints, their descriptions, and query options.
  • GET /api/topics: Retrieves an array of discussion topics.
  • GET /api/articles: Fetches a collection of articles with optional filtering and sorting capabilities.
  • GET /api/users: Retrieves an array of all registered users.

Article Endpoints

  • GET /api/articles/:id: Retrieves details of a specific article by its unique ID, including comments.
  • GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments: Retrieves comments for a specific article, with pagination.
  • POST /api/articles: Adds a new article to the database.
  • POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments: Adds a new comment to a specified article.
  • PATCH /api/articles/:article_id: Updates the vote count of a specific article.
  • DELETE /api/articles/:article_id: Deletes an article and its respective comments.

User Endpoints

  • GET /api/users/:username: Retrieves details of a specific user by their username.

Topic Endpoints

  • POST /api/topics: Adds a new discussion topic.

Comment Endpoints

  • PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id: Updates the vote count of a specific comment.
  • DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id: Deletes a specific comment.

Project Setup Instructions

To get started with this project, you need to configure your environment for both testing, development and deployment.

Step 1: Create Environment Files

Begin by creating three files at the root of your project:

  • .env.test
  • .env.development
  • .env.production

Step 2: Configure Environment Files

Next, configure each of the environment files:

  • For .env.test: Add the line PGDATABASE=<database_name>, replacing <database_name> with the name of your test database. The database names can be found in the /db/setup.sql file.
  • For .env.development: Follow the same procedure as above, but use the development database name instead.
  • For .env.production: Set the DATABASE_URL with the URL of your hosted database.

This configuration ensures that your application connects to the correct database depending on the environment it is running in.

Installation and Setup

  1. Fork and Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:
    cd new-new-news
  3. Install Dependencies:
    npm install

Setting Up the Database

  • To set up the databases, run:
    npm run setup-dbs

Running the Development Server

  • Start the development server using:
    npm start


The application uses Jest and Supertest for testing.

  • Running Tests: To run the tests, execute:
    npm test


  • setup-dbs: Sets up the databases using psql.
  • seed: Seeds the database with data.
  • test: Runs tests using Jest.
  • prepare: Installs Husky for Git hooks.
  • playground: Executes a SQL file and outputs to play.txt.
  • start: Starts the Node.js server.
  • seed-prod: Seeds the database in a production environment.


Dev Dependencies

  • Husky (^8.0.2)
  • Jest (^27.5.1) with extensions (jest-extended, jest-sorted)
  • pg-format (^1.0.4)
  • supertest (^6.3.3)

Main Dependencies

  • dotenv (^16.0.0)
  • express (^4.18.2)
  • pg (^8.7.3)


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