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This repository contains source files for paper "BRING YOUR OWN GREEDY"+MAX: Near-Optimal 1/2-Approximations for Submodular Knapsack.



This command should build the project. Your PATH environment variable should contain g++ with C++14 support. The program was tested on Ubuntu (g++ 7.4.0), Windows (cygwin, g++ 7.4.0), macOS (clang 11.0.0).

Note that for macOS the generated code will be slower, since clang by default doesn't support OpenMP. If you use macOS and your compiler supports OpenMP, please edit accordingly.

Run experiments on datasets from the paper

To run the experiments on ego-Facebook: ./

To run the experiments on com-dblp: ./

Since ml-20 dataset is too large for github, it should be downloaded separately:


It should work in Linux and macOS, but Windows by default lacks necessary tools. One solution is to install wget and unzip with cygwin. Another one is to manually download and unpack it to data folder.


Please note that for ml-20 the knapsack preparation time takes more than 10 minutes.

The logs are written to directory results: each run will create a new file with the corresponding timestamp. Folder example_results contain possible outputs after execution of these commands.

Output description

Generated files have csv-format. Each line corresponds to execution of a particular algorithm on a certain knapsack size, and contains the following information:

  • Algorithm name
  • Experiment number (you can ignore this value)
  • The total number of items to select from
  • Knapsack capacity
  • The number of oracle calls performed by the algorithm
  • The objective of the solution returned by the algorithm
  • The solution cost
  • The number of collected items
  • The running time

If some line consists of a single -, it means that the algorithm timed out.

General command line syntax

./submodular-knapsack <input file/dir> <dataset type> <max knapsack size> <timeout> <output directory>
  • dataset type can be coverage and movies.
  • The program experiments on knapsacks of sizes 1.6, 2.6, ..., max knapsack size + 0.6
  • Each algorithm can spent at most timeout seconds on each knapsack problem.
  • The logs are written to a new file in output directory. The file contains a timestamps as a part of its name.

For coverage dataset the input file should contain an undirected graph. Each line of the file represents an edge, which is defined by two vertices.

For movies dataset the input directory should contain files movies.csv and ratings.csv in the same format as ml-20 dataset.


In this project the following datasets are used:


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