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Metrics, logs, and alerts

import Metrics from "@site/static/images/icons/timeline-area-chart.svg"; import Logs from "@site/static/images/icons/properties.svg";

Use metrics, logs, alerts, and dashboards to monitor the health of your services and integrations.

  • Metrics: Real-time information about your services.
  • Logs: Available for services and integrations.
  • Alerts: Receive emails and in-app notifications.

View service metrics

The service metrics available in Aiven Console include the following:

  • CPU usage: Shows the percentage of CPU resources consumed by the service.
  • Disk space usage: Represents the percentage of disk space utilized by the service.
  • Disk iops (reads): Indicates the input/output operations per second (IOPS) for disk reads.
  • Disk iops (writes): Indicates the input/output operations per second (IOPS) for disk writes.
  • Load average: Shows the 5-minute average CPU load, indicating the system's computational load.
  • Memory usage: Represents the percentage of memory resources utilized by the service.
  • Network received: Indicates the amount of network traffic received by the service, measured in bytes per second.
  • Network transmitted: Indicates the amount of network traffic transmitted by the service, also measured in bytes per second.

To view the metrics:

  1. Open the service.
  2. Click Metrics.

To retrieve service logs with the CLI, use service metrics.

View service logs

  1. Open the service.
  2. Click Logs.

:::note[Log retention] Service logs are generally retained for a few days, and for some Aiven services up to 14 days.

To control retention time, set up a log integration with an Aiven for OpenSearch® service. The integration allows you to configure longer retention times for your service logs, only limited by the disk space available on the Aiven for OpenSearch® plan you have selected.

OpenSearch® together with OpenSearch® Dashboards offers comprehensive logs browsing and analytics platform. :::

To retrieve service logs with the CLI, use service logs

Export service metrics and logs

You can export logs and metrics to an Aiven service:

You can also export the data to external tools, see metrics integrations.

Set up alerts and notfications

See Manage project and service notifications.

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